Υψηλά πέντε ετών για τους ναύλους των dry Panamaxes

Επίπεδα ρεκόρ φαίνεται ότι άγγιξαν οι ναύλοι για τα dry bulk carriers, κατηγορίας Panamax. Σύμφωνα με την νορβηγική Montel, η οποία αποτελεί πάροχο πληροφοριών και αναλύσεων, οι ναύλοι στα dry Panamaxes σημείωσαν αύξηση της τάξης του 18% τον περασμένο μήνα, φτάνοντας στα υψηλότερα επίπεδα των τελευταίων πέντε ετών.

Η αύξηση στους ναύλους οφείλεται στην αυξημένη διακίνηση άνθρακα μέσω Ειρηνικού από Αυστραλία, Ν. Αφρική, ΗΠΑ και Ινδονησία με προορισμό την Κίνα και την Ινδία.

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Why the Maritime Industry Needs More Women

In recent times, more and more women are entering the shipping domain but despite that women are far behind in this male-dominated industry. So here we are discussing the role of women in shipping and why is it essential for the industry.

The Earliest Record of Women in Shipping

In 1918, Victoria Drummond became an apprentice at the Caledon Shipyard in Dundee, the start of a journey to becoming Britain’s first female marine engineer, earning honours for bravery at sea during the Second World War....


Lower Sulfur Fuel Transition May Not be Smooth

Even before new international regulations on maritime fuels kick start, the oil market has tightened significantly this year, pushing prices higher and putting pressure on producers to increase output.

The impact of IMO sulfur cap set to take effect at the start of 2020 could disrupt the market even more dramatically.

IMO rules target sulfur

The International Maritime Organization (IMO) will require significantly lower concentrations of sulfur used in global maritime shipping beginning on January...


UK Club: LED lighting can prevent cargo hold fires

The UK P&I Club issued a Loss prevention bulletin in a bid to draw attention to cargo fire risks associated with the lighting system in a vessel hold. The Club was notified by New Zealand Transport Accident Investigation Commission (TAIC) of such incident and advised that alternative LED lighting should be considered, to reduce the potential risk to ship safety posed by lights that radiate high levels of heat.

In that particular case, the fire onboard was caused by radiated heat from an...


TAIC adds navigation in pilotage waters to Watchlist

In a bid to address errors in ship navigation in pilotage waters, New Zealand’s Transport Accident Investigation Commission (TAIC) has created a new Watchlist item to focus the attention of regulators, operators, and training providers on solving the problem.

Pilotage waters are those areas where (with a few exemptions) a ship must use the services of a maritime pilot -an experienced and highly skilled sailor with detailed knowledge of a particular waterway.

The Commission has investigated a...
