How big is North American maritime’s carbon footprint?

North American waterborne transportation (NAWT) emissions by vessel typee

The Houston-headquartered Blue Sky Maritime Coalition (BSMC) has released a new report that provides a benchmark for CO2 emissions from the major vessel sectors that make up domestic maritime transportation in North America . The coalition, a non-profit corporation, is a strategic alliance formed to accelerate the transition of North American waterborne transportation (NAWT) toward net-zero greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and the study gives some insights into what’s needed to meet that goal.


NAMEPA Becomes Founding Member of the Blue Sky Maritime Coalition

NAMEPA Becomes Founding Member of the Blue Sky Maritime Coalition


July 14, 2021: Carleen Lyden Walker, Co-Founder and Executive Director of the North American Marine Environment Protection Association (NAMEPA), announced its position as a Founding Member of the Blue Sky Maritime Coalition. Other founding members include ABS, American Waterway Operators, Bay-Houston Towing, Caterpillar, Chamber of Shipping of America, Citibank, Crowley, Green Marine, Holland & Knight, Kirby,...