Port of Antwerp to expand container capacity by european funding

As container flows are continuously been increased at the Port of Antwerp, the European funding programme Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) will support the expansion of its capacity.

By an award-funding of almost €11 million (US$12.87 million), the European support will be used to create a project, named Extra Container Capacity Antwerp (ECA),  that reconciles the needs of the economy, the environment and the climate, through studies for sustainable solutions.

Earlier this year, Port of Antwerp...


EFIP welcomes and supports the European Parliament position on the Connecting Europe Facility for 2021-2027

Turi Fiorito

14 December 2018 – On 12 December the European Parliament adopted its final position on the TRAN/ITRE report from Rapporteurs Marinescu, Telička and Virrkkunen on the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) for the 2021-2027 period, the so-called “CEF II”.  

The European Federation of Inland Ports (EFIP) wholeheartedly welcomes the expanded budget for transport by €7bn to a total of €33.51bn (in constant prices). This budgetary increase was the main objective of the Transport coalition “More...
