Cómo el indicador de intensidad de carbono de la OMI podría a mitad de las emisiones climáticas del envío


Antes de una gran reunión verde en la organización marítima internacional la próxima semana, John Maggs de la Coalición de envío limpio escribe sobre cómo obtener un estándar de combustible global y un impuesto sobre la línea nos preparará para el futuro. El sector de envío internacional proporciona una contribución descomunal y creciente a la […]

Esta entrada Cómo el indicador de intensidad de carbono de la OMI podría a mitad de las emisiones climáticas del envío Aparece primero en FullAvanteNew...


How the IMO’s Carbon Intensity Indicator could half shipping’s climate emissions

Ahead of a big green meeting at the International Maritime Organization next week, John Maggs from the Clean Shipping Coalition writes on how getting a global fuel standard and levy over the line will set us up for the future. The international shipping sector provides an outsized and growing...


The future of PEMEs

Ronald Spithout from OneHealth by VIKAND gives his impression on how PEMEs should become a more valuable “health pulse” for crew and industry. PEMEs are an accepted method of Pre-Employment Medical Examination and are meant to safeguard vessel operations and crew welfare. They are widely used by...


In tech we trust?

The relationship between shipowners and technology providers must be fixed to save shipping’s decarbonisation ambitions, writes Benny Hilström, vice president of business development at WinGD. Shipowners and operators need technology providers that keep their promises in order to avoid frustration,...
