174 Jeanine Drummond, Integral Maritime, MD & Principal Marine Advisor

Leadership – essential for a safe working environment at sea

In this episode, you will be meeting a true leader, an experienced Harbour Master, Master Mariner, Experienced Marine Advisor, General Manager and Non-Executive Director; her name is Captain Jeanine Drummond.

We speak about the importance of modern leadership, which is somewhat different from traditional leadership, which has been prevailing in our industry for such a long time.

We also speak about the importance of not just trying to...


144 Jillian Carson Jackson, President Nautical Institute

In episode 144, I speak with Jillian Carson Jackson, the brand new President of the Nautical Institute. She speaks about her career and what she wants to focus on during her time in office, it’s Diversity and inclusion, branch engagement and managing the impact of technology.

We agree that there is a reset of almost everything after the Covid-19 pandemic and that the maritime industry should take advantage of that. There are so many important issues that might have got a push now and it’s up to...


Frederick J. Kenney, Director, Legal and External Affairs, IMO

When visiting the IMO during the Day of the Seafarer in June, I had the opportunity to sit down with a few people at the IMO to discuss the organisation and where it is headed. In episode 122 you will hear  Frederick J. Kenney, Director, Legal and External Affairs talking about the International Maritime Organization.

If you are interested in the Adopt a Ship programme or the IMO Goodwill Maritime Ambassador scheme or the Greenwich Maritime Museum here are the links.

I sum up my impressions from...


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