The Maderö, 15th Century Merchant Ship Discovered By Archaeologists

  • Archaeologists find a 15th-century merchant ship.
  • The study provided insights into the main dimensions and proportions of the medieval merchant ship.
  •  The Maderö ship was likely armed when it sank. 

In the 1960s, divers discovered the Maderö wreck in the Stockholm Archipelago, revealing a large, partly disintegrated wooden hull laden with bricks from a medieval vessel, reports News Week.

Limited Documentation and Unanswered Questions

Although initially dated in the 2000s, the archaeological...

A look into marine salvage in the ’80s

FreightWaves Classics is sponsored by Old Dominion Freight Line — Helping the World Keep Promises. Learn more here.

FreightWaves explores the archives of American Shipper’s nearly 70-year-old collection of shipping and maritime publications to showcase interesting freight stories of long ago.

In this week’s edition from the November 1984 issue, we take a look at the tumultuous industry of marine salvage.

Marine salvage

You are informed of the emergency late on a Friday night when the rest of the...

Rhode Island Shipwreck Confirmed As Captain Cook’s Long-Lost Endeavour

  • Residents of New England and those with British ties are engaged in a renewed debate over the identity of a shipwreck found off the coast of Rhode Island, believed to be either the HMS Endeavour or Lord Sandwich.
  • The ship, known as RI 2394, was deliberately sunk by the British during the American War of Independence along with four other shipwrecks near Goat Island in Newport Harbor.
  • Kieran Hosty, an Australian archaeologist, emphasized the preponderance of evidence in favor of the ship being...

Rhode Island Shipwreck Confirmed As Captain Cook’s Long-Lost Endeavour

  • Residents of New England and those with British ties are engaged in a renewed debate over the identity of a shipwreck found off the coast of Rhode Island, believed to be either the HMS Endeavour or Lord Sandwich.
  • The ship, known as RI 2394, was deliberately sunk by the British during the American War of Independence along with four other shipwrecks near Goat Island in Newport Harbor.
  • Kieran Hosty, an Australian archaeologist, emphasized the preponderance of evidence in favor of the ship being...

The best cover designs from American Shipper’s 1990s magazine issues

FreightWaves Classics is sponsored by Old Dominion Freight Line — Helping the World Keep Promises. Learn more here.

The global shipping publication American Shipper launched in 1974 with the goal to serve the needs of all players involved in international shipping, providing important information to shippers, carriers and third parties.

Founded by late maritime journalist David A. Howard, the magazine began as the Florida Journal of Commerce until Howard saw a need for a national publication...

A Retrospective Look At The Shipping Act Of 1984

FreightWaves explores the archives of American Shipper’s nearly 70-year-old collection of shipping and maritime publications to showcase interesting freight stories of long ago, says an article published on freight waves website.

  • The Shipping Act of 1984 was a significant game-changer in U.S. liner trades, introducing major changes in the industry.
  • The Act provided ocean common carriers with more, not deficient, antitrust immunity for their joint activities, including collective...

A peek into the logistics rumor mill of the 1980s

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FreightWaves Classics is sponsored by Old Dominion Freight Line — Helping the World Keep Promises....

Earhart Museum nominated for top award

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FreightWaves Classics is sponsored by Old Dominion Freight Line — Helping the World Keep Promises....