ITA Airways τέλος για την MSC

O όμιλος MSC ενημέρωσε τις αρμόδιες ιταλικές αρχές ότι αποσύρει το ενδιαφέρον του για τον αερομεταφορέα ITA Airways στο πλαίσιο ιδιωτικοποίησής της.

Νωρίτερα μέσα στον χρόνο, MSC και Lufthansa είχαν δημιουργήσει κοινοπραξία για τον διάδοχο της Alitalia. Στόχος του ελβετικού ομίλου ήταν η επέκταση στους αιθέρες, πέραν των containerships και της κρουαζιέρας, ωστόσο, όπως σημειώνει σε ανακοίνωσή της, οι συνθήκες δεν ευνοούν μια τέτοια επένδυση.

Πάντως, η ιδιωτικοποίηση της ITA Airways εξελίσσεται σε...

MSC drops interest in ITA Airways stake acquisition

The largest container shipping company in the world MSC has told Italian authorities that it is no longer interested in investing in ITA Airways as part of a planned privitisation.

MSC and German airline Lufthansa had expressed interest at the beginning of the year to acquire a majority stake in ITA Airways, the successor to Alitalia. However, the discussions did not come to an agreement.

“MSC did not now see the right conditions for a deal in the current process,” said the company in a statement.

MSC y Lufthansa pierden la adquisición de participación en ITA Airways

El fondo de capital privado estadounidense Certares, respaldado por Air France-KLM y Delta Airlines Inc., derrotó la oferta presentada por su rival, el grupo naviero suizo MSC y la aerolínea alemana Lufthansa por la participación para comprar el control de la sucesora de Alitalia.

Esta entrada MSC y...

MSC and Lufthansa in joint bid to take over Italy’s new ITA Airways

The vertical integration and modal mash-up continues. The Loadstar reveals today that a forwarder has started a shipping line and now a shipping line is looking at buying an airline.
MSC has told the Italian government it wants to buy a stake in the new airline, ITA Airways, which began operations in October, replacing defunct Alitalia.
And it’s doing it in partnership with Lufthansa.
As previously reported, Lufthansa has expressed an interest in …

The post MSC and Lufthansa in joint bid to take...

M&A radar: MSC & Lufthansa go for legacy Alitalia – just sublime

At The Loadstar Towers, we could barely contain our excitement yesterday when news broke that MSC Group and Lufthansa were going for ITA Airways, the ‘rejuvenated’ Alitalia (whatever is left of it), Italy’s flag carrier.
Which smells of sensational deal-making – strategic, too?
“Today MSC Group has expressed to the Italian Government its interest in acquiring a majority stake in ITA Airways,” the statement read, adding that Germanys’ Lufthansa, the “project’s industrial partner”, …


Ocean carrier MSC, Lufthansa in bid to buy Italian airline ITA

A side view of bright blue ITA Airways aircraft.

Another ocean shipping company wants to get into the airline business. Mediterranean Shipping Co. on Monday told the Italian government that it is interested in acquiring a majority stake in ITA Airways, the state-owned successor to Alitalia.

The world’s largest container vessel operator said German flag carrier Lufthansa is an investment partner, and ITA Airways said in a news release that both companies want the Italian government to maintain a minority stake in the company. Reuters reported th...

MSC Group aspires to acquire majority stake in ITA Airways

Mediterranean Shipping Company (MSC) Group has expressed its interest to the Italian Government in acquiring a majority stake in the state-owned ITA Airways.

The MSC Group aims to create a partnership with the Italian Government and the German airline Lufthansa as the project’s industrial partner, with the latter already expressing its interest in taking part in the initiative.

Following today’s expression of interest, MSC and Lufthansa require an exclusivity period of 90 business days, according...