10 Best Online Entrepreneurship Courses For Mariners

Most of the mariners, after sailing for a few years often start looking for opportunities onshore or ways to upgrade their career so that they can have more options.

One of the most common options many seafarers want to give a try is to start their own company or explore a business idea.

However, considering the major lack of time mariners have to deal with, it is quite difficult to leave aside their personal and professional responsibilities and seek a full-time education program.

But things have...


How To Become A Shipbroker – Everything You Wanted To Know

how to become shipbrokerWhat is Shipbroking/who are Shipbrokers?

Wikipedia, very aptly, defines Shipbroking/Shipbrokers – “Shipbroking is a financial service, which forms part of the global shipping industry. Shipbrokers are specialist intermediaries/negotiators (i.e. brokers) between shipowners and charterers who use ships to transport cargo, or between buyers and sellers of vessels.”

Categories of Shipbrokers

  • Tanker Broker (Crude/CPP/Chemical etc)
  • Dry Bulk Broker
  • Gas Broker (LNG/LPG)
  • Sale & Purchase Broker
  • FFA...


Stress At Sea – 5 Courses To Help Beat Stress & Anxiety On Ships

Enough has been said on the topic of stress and its effects on seafarers at sea. Several studies have depicted how stress and anxiety are taking a major toll on the mental health of seafarers.

Working at sea is challenging both physically and mentally. Seafaring is one of the oldest professional and no doubt seafarers are tough beings with high tolerance levels.

However, over the last few years, maritime professionals have been subjected to additional work-related stresses mainly because of...


5 Online Soft Skills Courses For Maritime Professionals

seafarers maritime courses

Good grades won’t guarantee you a promising career.

You might have topped the class from a prestigious university, worked your a#@ off, aced the interview, and even worked with the best company in your field…

…And yet, you won’t be anywhere near to the professional success you think you deserve.


Because in today’s world, along with your hard skills your soft skills are equally important to get you a successful career.

According to a study, these days, more than 60% of employers look for soft...


Naval Architecture vs Naval Engineering vs Marine Engineering vs Ocean Engineering

naval architecture

The most common perception people have when introduced to the field of ocean engineering is that it deals with ships, floating bodies or the ocean. While this is not wrong in its entirety, it is easy to mistake ocean engineering with several other fields such as naval architecture, naval engineering, marine engineering and other maritime courses. In reality, ocean engineering is an exclusive area of study that is exclusive in its own right.

These varied courses have different aspects about them...


Who is a Ship Chandler?

In laymen’s language, a ship chandler is a person (or sometimes a group/agency) that totally deals in supplying required commodities for a shipping vessel and its crew. They work somewhat similar to the grocer, who supplies all the required food grains to households. A ship chandler supplies all the necessary and requisite commodities to a ship when at port.

The job of a ship chandler is very unique because it caters specifically to only one line of business, therefore, allowing a complete...


10 Things Maritime Academies Don’t Teach

Maritime training Institute


For a professional at any stage in career life, learning is a continuous process.

However, what we learn in the colleges and academy form the base of everything in the future.

Maritime colleges play a crucial role in a seafarer’s life as he/she learns all the “life at sea” skills there.

Unfortunately, not all the maritime colleges and universities teach students the important skills needed in the...


A List of Unique and Interesting Marine Careers

Fancy a career in the sea? Are you one of those who find a job that allows them to stay close to waters fascinating? Do you wish to be able to make your love for the thrill of the ocean into a profession? Well, then the answers for you are simpler and the good news is you don’t have to be a mariner discovering new lands or a pirate to be able to enjoy marine careers. The options in maritime careers today are immense. As long as you have a passion for this line of work, you can expect to find...
