Hyliion posts scant Q2 revenue but retains cash cushion

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Startup powertrain developer Hyliion Holdings has sufficient cash to run its business through 2024...


ACT Expo a coming of age for hydrogen-powered trucking

ANAHEIM, Calif. — Not long ago, hydrogen and fuel cell trucks were lightly regarded at the Advanced Clean Transportation Expo. This year, they are capturing once unimaginable attention.

A parade of significant hydrogen-related announcements began even before what has become a must-attend event that outgrew its Long Beach, California, venue. Toyota Motor North America (TMNA), which doesn’t make commercial trucks, confirmed production later this year of a heavy-duty fuel cell system at its...


Aurora approaches autonomous truck finish line

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googletag.cmd.push(function() { googletag.display(‘div-gpt-ad-b1-i-fw-ad-1’); });

As Class 8 autonomous trucking draws nearer, terms like operational design domain, safety case and...


Aurora adds Schneider to autonomous pilot customer list

Peterbilt 579 hauls orange Schneider trailer

Aurora Innovation is adding freight giant Schneider to a growing list of fleets testing its Aurora Driver autonomous trucking software.

“Understanding more about an autonomous future is the logical next step to build a network that continues to deliver the best service for our customers,” Rob Reich, Schneider executive vice president and chief administrative officer, said in a press release.

Schneider (NYSE: SNDR) hauls 19,318 loads per day for America’s biggest companies covering more than 9.3...


Cómo un transportista de automóviles mueve 4 millones de vehículos en una crisis de la cadena de suministro

Three United Road car haulers on the highway

PLYMOUTH, Michigan – Mark Anderson dibuja un triángulo en un papel y etiqueta los tres puntos A, B y C, para ilustrar cómo su empresa coreografía el movimiento de 4 millones de automóviles y camiones al año.

Pero la pandemia y la crisis de la cadena de suministro hicieron estragos en el modelo, creando un enorme problema de eficiencia para el presidente y director general de United Road Services.

“Vamos desde el punto A y tenemos una planta aquí y enviamos camiones por aquí hasta el punto B donde...


United Road Services battles inefficiency while moving 4M cars a year

Three United Road car haulers on the highway

PLYMOUTH, Mich. — Mark Anderson draws a triangle on a piece of paper and labels the three points A, B and C, illustrating how his company choreographs the movement of 4 million cars and trucks a year.

But the pandemic and the supply chain crisis played havoc with the model, creating a huge efficiency problem for the president and CEO of United Road Services.

“We go from point A and we have a plant here and we send trucks this way to point B where there’s a port. And we get trucks there and we go...


U.S. Xpress y Kodiak Robotics llevan a cabo pilotos de transporte autónomo de Dallas a Atlanta

Cuando se trata de programas piloto de transporte autónomo, U.S. Xpress se está moviendo.

El transportista con sede en Chattanooga, Tennessee, está llevando a cabo pilotos autónomos con Kodiak Robotics, su tercer acuerdo con una empresa de transporte autónomo después de las asociaciones con TuSimple y Aurora Innovation.

USX (NASDAQ: USX) es el primer “socio fundamental de carga de camiones” de Kodiak en su Programa de Despliegue de Socios, ayudando a la startup a desplegar la tecnología de...


U.S. Xpress running Dallas-to-Atlanta autonomous pilots with Kodiak Robotics

When it comes to autonomous trucking pilot programs, U.S. Xpress is getting around.

The Chattanooga, Tennessee-based carrier is running autonomous pilots with Kodiak Robotics, its third deal with an autonomous trucking startup following partnerships with TuSimple and Aurora Innovation.

USX (NASDAQ: USX) is Kodiak’s first “cornerstone truckload partner” in its Partner Deployment Program, helping the startup deploy self-driving technology. 

The partnership also marks the launch of Kodiak’s...


Aurora going the distance, adding 600-mile autonomous route in Texas

Aurora Innovation has added a 600-mile autonomous route between Fort Worth and El Paso, Texas, testing its Aurora Driver Beta 2.0 lane on the middle leg between Atlanta and Los Angeles, one of the nation’s busiest commercial freight thoroughfares.

The new-generation Peterbilt Model 579 trucks, still supervised by human safety drivers, are equipped with the second release of Aurora’s integrated hardware and autonomy system recently revealed in Aurora’s Toyota Sienna ride-hailing test fleet in...
