Con motivo de celebrar nuestra edición número 50, hemos invitado a dos empresas y profesionales que nos acompañaron en aquella primera publicación. Ellos reflexionan acerca de la evolución del mercado: ¿Cómo ha cambiado el sector en comparación con lo que ocurría en aquellos días del año 2012?
supply chain management
Cadena de Suministro y Logística: entendiendo su importancia y diferencias
La cadena de suministro es el ciclo de vida de un producto, desde que se concibe hasta que se consume, lo que incluye diferentes eslabones, desde la búsqueda de materias primas hasta la fabricación de los productos terminados para su venta y consumo.
It is time to maximize profitability with a more streamlined customer experience
Real-time shipping updates are one of the best ways that retailers can provide a transparent and high-quality customer experience. Today, it’s common for large online retailers to let customers track and manage their orders through a portal.
While freight forwarders and logistics service providers (LSPs) are in the business of providing a great customer experience, traditionally, their shipper customers haven’t received the same level of visibility as end consumers.
“There’s a really large...
The crucial role of education in the supply chain profession
The views expressed here are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent the views of FreightWaves or its affiliates.
This week I attended the Council for Supply Chain Management Professionals’ Edge conference in Orlando, Florida. This council, known by most as CSCMP, celebrates its 60th birthday this year and it plays a crucial role in the education of supply chain professionals.
It was great to see many supply chain colleagues at this event and have...
Una visión de mujeres liderando las áreas logísticas en el Perú
Dos destacadas ejecutivas en logística comentan sus experiencias liderando sus respectivas áreas; asimismo, recomiendan las condiciones y factores que permitan que más mujeres participen y crezcan en esta actividad, llegando […]
Supply Chain Integration Via The East Midlands Gateway Campus
- Supply chains across the United Kingdom have historically encountered a number of issues trading with their European neighbours.
- Back in the 1980s, stringent regulations and controls at the border created barriers for UK importers and exporters – adding a great deal of friction to just about every transaction.
- It heralded the need for businesses to have several alternative suppliers in place, as well as hold a lot more stock at any given time.
A recent news...
Supply chain management degree to create job stability
Historically, one does not need a degree to be successful in the day-to-day functions of the supply chain. However, the COVID-19 pandemic has shown how vulnerable and intricate the sector really is when it comes to its workforce.
That idea has served to highlight the need to expand the knowledge of those working in the industry to build resilience and stability, creating a shift toward more people exploring certificates or degrees in supply chain management, according to Tim Engstrom, senior...
FedEx Express apoyará los envíos de Wines of Chile con tarifas especiales
Esta semana, FedEx Express firmó un acuerdo con Wines of Chile para apoyar sus envíos nacionales e internacionales. Con ello, FedEx aportará su flota de transporte y soluciones logísticas, además […]
AMÉRICA LOGÍSTICA: liderazgo en distribución con cadena de frío en múltiples canales
El operador logístico integral es reconocido por su consolidada experiencia en la distribución de productos refrigerados a nivel local y nacional. No solo hace envíos por canales tradicional y moderno, […]
Logística, el perfecto aliado en tiempos desafiantes de crecimiento.
Te invitamos a leer la versión digital completa de la nueva edición (44) de “Logística 360 Supply Chain Management” Son tiempos bastante desafiantes. Vivimos una coyuntura política-económica difícil, en medio […]