Maritime Craft Services orders CTV trio with new advanced SWATH design

advanced SWATH design

Scotland’s Maritime Craft Services (Clyde) Ltd has ordered three new crew transfer vessels (CTVs) at the Työvene shipyard in Finland. Built to new design by Sandown, U.K., based Ad Hoc Marine Design (AHMD) they feature an advanced SWATH (small waterplane area, twin hull) design that concentrates a large proportion of the vessel’s floatation volume into bulb-like hull sections deep beneath the waterline. These support the weight of the vessel through narrow, hydrodynamically efficient hull...

BMT launches new 48-meter SOV design with a SWATH hull

Where SWATH hull 48-meter SOV fits in size rane

A new design for a 48-meter long service operation vessel (SOV) from BMT features a SWATH hull that, the company says, will be a game-changer, enabling operations in challenging sea conditions and significantly boosting seakeeping capabilities and uptime. The optimized hull form and methanol-ready machinery configuration are built on a dynamic diesel-electric platform in an innovative approach designed to ensure both enhanced operational efficiency and a significant reduction in environmental...

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