Truck Leasing Task Force blasts lease-purchase programs

Truck Leasing Task Force blasts lease-purchase programs 
(Source: The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration’s Truck Leasing Task Force)
(Source: The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration’s Truck Leasing Task Force)

The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration’s Truck Leasing Task Force (TLTF) delivered a scathing report on lease-purchase (LP) programs managed by motor carriers in the trucking industry. The TLTF’s findings described the programs as tools of “fraud and driver...

November trailer orders rise but remain below expectations

November trailer orders rise but remain below expectations

Recent trailer data released by ACT Research and FTR Transportation Intelligence showed net trailer orders improving compared to October but below seasonal expectations, as fleets prioritize spending on Class 8 tractors. ACT Research reported November net trailer orders rose 23% to 20,800 units. Year-to-date orders are at 139,100 units, down 34% compared to November 2023’s total ytd orders at 211,000 bookings. While bookings rose, so did...

Loaded and Rolling: ATRI reports on California’s electric truck challenges

ATRI reports on California’s electric truck challenges
(Source: ATRI)

A report released Monday by the American Transportation Research Institute (ATRI) examines the costs and potential impacts associated with California’s push for zero-emission vehicles. This report is a companion to a December 2022 ATRI report titled “Charging Infrastructure Challenges for the U.S. Electric Vehicle Fleet.” Both reports highlight that full vehicle fleet electrification would require substantially more...

Trailer orders plunge 38% in November compared to October

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Trailer orders tanked in November, falling 38% from October accompanied by the lowest production...

Specialty trailer orders show strength as vans and reefers lag

Improving orders for specialty trailers mostly account for two consecutive months of improving equipment bookings. The pace of dry and refrigerated trailers orders lagged.

October U.S. trailer net orders rose by more than 6,000 units over September, their highest level since December 2022. Still, the 34,400 orders reported by FTR Transportation Intelligence were down about 21% compared to October a year ago.

Manufacturers built about 4% more trailers in October than September. But trailing net...