V. Group opens expanded office in India

V.Group, the global ship manager and marine service provider, has opened an expanded office in Chennai, India, strengthening the company’s ability to engage with both customers and seafarers in the region.

V. has a long-standing history in India, stretching back to 1984, and this new office is expected to strengthen the organization’s presence in the country. The expanded office houses over 200 colleagues supporting V.’s crewing, seafarer recruitment, ship management, decarbonization and...


V.Group to have new owners

Ship management giant V.Group is to get new private equity ownership. London-based Star Capital says that its Star IV fund is leading a consortium of investors that includes DEME‘s majority owner, Ackermans & van Haaren (Euronext: ACKB) and others to acquire the company from Advent International. The transaction is subject to regulatory consents and is expected to complete in early autumn 2024. Financial terms have not been disclosed.

V.Group provides a wide range of services that include...


VESSEL REVIEW | Boqiang 3060 – Chinese construction firm places large-capacity installation jackup into service

Boqiang Heavy Industry's wind turbine installation vessel Boqiang 3060

Chinese shipbuilder CIMC Raffles has handed over a new large jackup wind turbine installation vessel (WTIV) to compatriot private offshore wind construction company Boqiang Heavy Industry. The aptly named Boqiang 3060 (博强3060; “Broad Power 3060”) was designed and built by CIMC Raffles in compliance to China Classification Society (CCS) rules as well as standards covering […]

The post VESSEL REVIEW | Boqiang 3060 – Chinese construction firm places large-capacity installation jackup into service...


Australia bans V.Ships Greece containership

V.Ships Greece managed ship that was banned from Austrlia

Banning the Marshall Islands -flagged containership Big Lilly from Australian waters for 90 days for serious safety and maintenance issues, the Australian Maritime Safety Authority (AMSA) was today sharply critical of its operator, V.Ships Greece, part of V.Group, one of the world’s largest providers of third-party ship management services.

Prior to this latest banning, the 1999-built ship was detained in Melbourne, after an AMSA port state control (PSC) inspection identified serious defects...


V.Group Acquires Global Marine Travel from Inchcape

Credit: Roy Liz Barlow

V.Group, the leading global marine services provider, announced that it has acquired Global Marine Travel (ISS GMT) from Inchcape Shipping Services, says an article published on their website.

GMT and V.Travel 

The move combines V.Travel with GMT’s industry-leading marine travel expertise and brings greater scale to the combined operations. Bringing together GMT and V.Travel increases the companies’ ability to offer truly global, 24/7 travel operations focused on delivering...


Δήλος 2022: Οι εθελοντές δηλώνουν το «παρών» για ένα βιώσιμο μέλλον

Ως ενεργά μέλη, όχι μόνο των τοπικών κοινωνιών στις οποίες δραστηριοποιούνται, αλλά και κάθε περιοχής που έχει ανάγκη, ο Όμιλος ΟΦΕΤ με τις εταιρείες UNI-PHARMA & InterMed, σε συνεργασία με τον Όμιλο εταιρειών V Group, υπό την αιγίδα του Δήμου Μυκόνου και την υποστήριξη του Λιμεναρχείου Μυκόνου, της Εφορείας Αρχαιοτήτων Κυκλάδων και της Εφορείας Εναλίων Αρχαιοτήτων, πραγματοποίησε στις 3 Σεπτεμβρίου εθελοντική δράση παράκτιου και υποβρύχιου καθαρισμού στο νησί της Δήλου.

Η Δήλος – το ιερό νησί...
