GPS Spoofing a Cyber Threat To Ship Navigation

  • GPS spoofing threat was pushed higher up the global news agenda, when more than 20 vessels in the Black Sea reported AIS traces erroneous in 2017.
  • All of the ships’ tracking systems placed them in the same nonsensical location, led to informed speculation.
  • It is still unconfirmed officially that the incident could be attributed to Russian testing of satellite navigation spoofing technology as part of its electronic warfare arsenal.
  • A UK-based cyber vulnerability testing firm’s researchers...

Huge swathe of the merchant fleet predicted to fail to be ready for the sulphur cap

A very significant swathe of the global merchant fleet will be non-compliant during the first year of the sulphur cap, according to an ongoing survey carried on this site. Of the 350 votes cast so far in MarPoll, our quarterly online survey, 45% of readers believe more than 20% of the global...

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