Global Bunker Fuel Prices Climb As Scrubber Spreads Narrow And LNG Gains Advantage

Capt. John

Over the Week 26, the MABUX global bunker indices continued moderate upward movement. The 380 HSFO index rose by 3.87 USD: from 550.62 USD/MT last week to 554.49 USD/MT. The VLSFO index increased by 8.97 USD (647.49 USD/MT versus 638.52 USD/MT last week). The MGO index added 6.98 USD (from 839.64 USD/MT last week to 846.62 USD/MT). At the time of writing, a slight upward trajectory continued in the global bunker market.

MABUX Global Scrubber Spread (SS) – the price difference between 380 HSFO...

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