Virtual Hong Kong airline to lease new 777 converted freighters

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Hong Kong startup Fly Meta is the latest airline to acquire the new 777-300 converted freighter — ...

Leasing companies secure slots to convert aircraft for cargo

Close of a cargo aircraft with the side cargo door raised.

Several aircraft leasing companies on Thursday reserved production slots with aftermarket overhaul specialists to convert used passenger aircraft to cargo jets. 

The flurry of transactions illustrates that cargo operators continue to have an appetite for large and standard freighters even as demand for air shipping cools off in a murky economic environment.

Lessors and investors have shown greater interest in freighters since the pandemic as airlines downsized and turned to more modern aircraft...

Delta Air Lines to lease 7 cargo-friendly A350s

A white Delta jet takes off with wheels still down.

U.S. mainline carriers are rebounding faster than others around the world, and investments in new aircraft are a sign they see recovery in their future. On Tuesday, Delta Air Lines (NYSE: DAL) announced long-term leases for seven Airbus A350-900 twin-aisle jets and the purchase of 29 used Boeing 737-900 Extended Range aircraft as travel demand picks up after a year of lockdowns and restrictions because of COVID.

The 36 aircraft fit with management’s strategy of streamlining and modernizing the...

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