LNG The Most Commercially Viable Future Proof Fuel?

According to a new report released by SEALNG, Liquified Natural Gas (LNG) is the most mature, scalable, and commercially viable alternative fuel currently available for the maritime industry, reports the Ship Technology

What is it?

A comparative study called ‘Comparison of Alternative Marine Fuels’, conducted by alternative fuel company DNV GL, analysed the commercial and operational viability of six alternative marine fuels namely hydrogen, ammonia, methanol, LPG, hydrotreated vegetable oil...


IMO To Host Fuel Symposium

IMO is hosting a Symposium on IMO 2020 and Alternative Fuels  on Thursday, 17 October and Friday, 18 October 2019 in the Main Hall at IMO Headquarters, reports SeaNews.

Aims of the symposium

Aim of this one and a half day symposium is:

  • to raise awareness and to take stock of the preparations for the IMO 2020 rule, and 
  • to discuss the role of alternative fuels in the decarbonization of international shipping.
About IMO 2020

1st January 2020 the entry into force of the new global sulphur limit of...


MOL leads Zero-Emission Alternative Fuel project

Mitsui O.S.K. Lines, Ltd. announced that it has joined the Carbon Capture & Reuse (CCR) Study Group (Note 1) and launched the “Cross-industrial Working Group Related to Zero Emission Alternative Ship Fuels.” The working group aims to reduce carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions in international shipping’s value chains by using synthetic methane (methanation fuel) as an alternative to fossil fuel, the current mainstream fuel for merchant vessels. Synthetic methane is generated by methanation technology...


Danish Innovation Drive Finds Big Emission Savings

Denmark’s largest maritime innovation project has concluded with major emission reductions for shipowners J Lauritzen and Torm and several fuel-saving machinery innovations, says an article published in Marine Propulsion.

What is the Blue INNOship programme?

The four-year Blue INNOship programme, comprising 16 technical projects with input from 40 commercial and academic organisations, has cut the two shipowners’ CO2 emissions by more than 100,000 tonnes a year.

Other highlights include the...


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