ABP backs Women in Maritime Charter

From left: Henrik Pedersen with Nusrat Ghani, the UK’s Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Transport, at the launch event

UK port operator Associated British Ports (ABP) has thrown its weight behind a new initiative focused on recruiting more women into the maritime sector.

The company has signed up to the Women in Maritime Charter, a Maritime UK-led venture which will see nautical-related businesses supported to improve their gender diversity.

The initiative was formally launched at an...


ABP launches the expansion of Port of Southampton

The latest stage of a £50 million expansion of automotive trade at the Port of Southampton has begun.

Work on the latest £15 million multi-deck storage facility in the Eastern Dock will take 9 months and will create 3,000 additional spaces for vehicles to be stored. This is the eighth multi-deck at the port and this significant investment will further strengthen the port’s position as a global hub for automotive trade.

Representatives from BMW Group, one of the main automotive customers for this...


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