FreightWaves Classics/Pioneers: Women made their marks on aviation history (Part 1 – 1880-1920)

Blanche Stuart Scott at the controls of an airplane. (Photo: Public Domain/Smithsonian Institution)

International Women’s Day, a global celebration of the economic, political and social achievements of women, began on March 8, 1911. Women’s History Month is a celebration of women’s contributions to history, culture and society and has been observed annually in March in the United States since 1987.

To help celebrate Women’s History Month, FreightWaves Classics will continue to profile a number of women who made contributions to transportation during the month of March.

Women have made history...

FreightWaves Classics/Pioneers: Aviatrix Bessie Coleman inspired millions

Aviatrix Bessie Coleman. (Photo:

Early life

Bessie Coleman was born in Atlanta, Texas on January 26, 1892. She was one of 13 children of Susan Coleman, a Black maid, and George Coleman, a sharecropper of mixed Native American and Black descent. Her father moved back to Oklahoma to try to escape discrimination in 1901. Susan Coleman chose not to go with him; she and their children stayed in Waxahachie, Texas. 

Bessie Coleman. (Photo: Coleman. (Photo:

It was a difficult environment of poverty and discrimination. Blacks...

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