Manufacturing Alternative Fuel Without Environmental Footprint

An enormous engine that generally propels large ships across the sea is now being used by engineers for testing liquid ammonia, reports BBC.

The ground-breaking project

An enormous engine, at a test centre in Copenhagen is being supervised by engineers from a control room resembling a ship’s bridge.

Such an engine that would be propelling a large ship across the sea, is now being prepared to take part in a project where engineers want to see if it runs on liquid ammonia.

About Ammonia

Ammonia, a...

World’s First Blue Ammonia Cargo Shipped

According to a Platts report, Saudi Arabia has shipped its maiden blue ammonia cargo to Japan to burn possibly together with coal and natural gas for zero-carbon power generation, paving the way forward for the further use of hydrogen in the energy system.

The development came as part of a pilot study, which is being conducted by the Institute of Energy Economics, Japan and Saudi Aramco in partnership with Saudi Basic Industries Corp., the IEEJ said in a joint statement on Sept. 27.


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