DNV’s Maritime Academy BIOFOULING MANAGEMENT & IN-WATER CLEANING – Live Virtual Classroom

DNV’s Maritime Academy BIOFOULING MANAGEMENT & IN-WATER CLEANING – Live Virtual Classroom

Dr. Marina Papaioannou


DNV’s Maritime Academy Hellas is offering on 2 and 3 November 2021,a course on Biofouling Management and In-water cleaning. The course explains the concept of biosecurity and highlights the threat from invasive aquatic species spread by shipping, the commonalities and differences to Ballast Water Management and to...


Tokyo MoU Agrees CIC on BWM in 2025

Tokyo MoU PSC Committee considered and agreed to accept the proposal by the Paris MoU to carry out a CIC on Ballast Water Management (BWM) in 2025, says an article published in Safety4Sea.

Port State Control Committee Virtual meeting 

The Port State Control Committee, the governing body under the Tokyo MoU, held its 31st meeting that got postponed due to Covid-19 pandemic virtually from 21 to 22 January 2021. 21 member Authorities attended the virtual meeting.

Every year, the Paris and the Tokyo...


USCG extends BWTS compliance dates due to COVID-19

Following the outbreak of COVID-19, the Coast Guard Assistant Commandant for Prevention Policy issued a Marine Safety Information Bulletin to inform all shipowners and operators about the adjustments to the extension policy for vessels impacted by the pandemic.

Due to the major disruptions in the supply chain and workforce that COVID-19 has resulted, USCG understands that owners and operators may find it difficult to be in line with the Coast Guard Ballast Water Management Regulations set forth...


Ballast water sampling in Ukraine: Update

Ballast water sampling in Ukraine has experienced many changes and updates through the years, with the last update informing that the ‘State Ecological Inspection for Protection of the Black Sea’ is closing down.

February 2020

It is reported that the Ukrainian Government is closing down the ‘State Ecological Inspection for Protection of the Black Sea’ as the responsibilities for testing the quality of the ballast water will be shifted to regional departments.

North Club’s local correspondent,...


ABS issues updated ballast water management advisory

As the 2020 sulphur cap came into force, ABS issued a Ballast Water Management Advisory focusing on recent updated regulatory requirements, developments in technology, and important information for compliance.

A BWMS installed on board a vessel is to be an IMO Member State type-approved and certified system and the installation of this system is to have the prior approval/ acceptance of the vessel’s flag Administration. It is recognized that each BWMS is tested, approved and certified in its...


Untreated ballast water: 5 invasive species causing marine disruption

The untreated ballast water has a negative impact on the marine species and marine environment, often resulting to the increase of the non-native organisms, disrupting the food chain, interfering with infrastructure by incapacitating power plants, disrupting water supply, and spreading deadly diseases.

Ballast water often leads to marine species being transferred to different marine environments, posing great risks in oceans. Specifically, five invasive species that have been seen disrupting...


Information on BWM for Singapore-flagged vessels

Singapore flagged vessels should bare in mind recent MPA Singapore circulars, regarding the commissioning testing of ballast water management systems (BWMS) and the incorporation of contingency measures into ballast water management plans (BWMP).

Commissioning testing to ensure the right operation of equipment must be conducted at the installation of any BWMS, according to the Guidelines for Approval of Ballast Water Management Systems.



In fact, MEPC 74 has...


OMI: Lista de enmiendas que entrarán en vigor en el futuro del transporte marítimo

La Organización Marítima Internacional (OMI) cómo organismo especializado de las Naciones Unidas y autoridad mundial encargada de establecer normas para la seguridad, la protección y el comportamiento ambiental en el transporte marítimo internacional proyecta una lista de enmiendas que entrarán en vigor en el futuro del transporte marítimo. Les compartimos una lista cronológica de lo que […]

Esta entrada OMI: Lista de enmiendas que entrarán en vigor en el futuro del transporte marítimo Aparece...


China, South Korea agree on exemptions from ballast water exchange rules

In regard to the difficulties found in conducting a safe and efficient ballast water exchange in the waters between China and South Korea, the two countries have agreed on exemption of ballast water exchange requirements for international ships sailing between these two regions, BIMCO informed.

The agreement applies to international ships, which are flying either a Republic of Korean flag (South Korea) or a Chinese five-star flag, and are sailing between China and South Korea.

The news came by a...


Ecochlor joins NAMEPA

Steve Candito, CEO Ecochlor

March 5, 2019 – Carleen Lyden Walker, Co-Founder and Executive Director of the North American Marine Environmental Protection Association (NAMEPA), announced today that Ecochlor Inc. has become a member of NAMEPA. Ecochlor’s recruitment to NAMEPA demonstrates their passion to preserve our oceans.

“NAMEPA is proud to welcome Ecochlor as a member and as a steward of our seas,” remarked NAMEPA’s Walker. “The innovation and dedication they offer to the industry provides a...


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