Car Carrier Asset Prices Move Into The Fast Lane: VesselsValue


Asset Price Inflation: Newbuild spend for Vehicle Carriers (LCTCs / PCTCs / PCCs) smashed past $3.2 billion last week, following big volume orders from Eastern Pacific and Zodiac. An astonishing amount of money for a niche sector, exceeding the previous 6 years total combined. If we include options, a whopping $4.4 billion has been agreed year to date. Japanese shipyards have raised tariffs to $100 million for dual fuel LNG 7000 CEUs, up by a staggering $10 million compared to last year.


Fujitsu And NYK Streamline Stowage Planning For Car Carriers

NYK PCC overview

Fujitsu Limited and Nippon Yusen Kabushiki Kaisha (NYK), a major global shipping company, announced the introduction of Fujitsu’s quantum-inspired Digital Annealer technology to significantly streamline complex stowage planning for car carriers, leveraging the technology’s world-class combinatorial optimization capabilities.

The Digital Annealer will play a role in automating aspects of the stowage planning process for NYK’s dedicated car carriers, an enormously complex task involving a vast...

NYK Line opts for WinGD hybrid solutions for car carrier quartet

WinGD digital and hybrid specialist Steven Goranov

Engine developer WinGD is making its debut in the hybrid sector. Four newbuild car carriers ordered by Japan’s NYK Line will feature an integrated hybrid power solution that will help dramatically cut their GHG emissions. The pure car and truck carriers (PCTC) will run on LNG, with power being provided by WinGD’s 7X62DF-2.1 two-stroke engines coupled with shaft generators, DC-links and battery systems.

Based on its in-depth knowledge of the main engine’s performance WinGD has optimized spinning...

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