Future fuels: zero-emission ships technically ready to hit the water by 2024

Pictured: “NGC 604” a vast cloud of hydrogen in the Triangulum Galaxy. Hydrogen is one of the most abundant substances in the universe and could, one day, be the fuel of choice for the world fleet. Credit: Hubble Space Telescope, NASA

Developments that will shape the future of fuel for shipping have been coming thick and fast in recent weeks.

So fast, in fact, that an executive from international class society Lloyd’s Register has told the UN that zero-carbon emission vessels will be technically


Face Masks Do Not Cause ‘Overexposure’ To Carbon Dioxide

  • New research findings contradict statements linking wearing face masks to carbon dioxide poisoning by trapping CO2.
  • During the COVID-19 pandemic the wearing of face masks has become a highly political issue with some individuals falsely claiming that wearing face masks may be putting people’s health at risk.
  • The impetus for the study came after reports of a public hearing in Florida where individuals made inflammatory comments.
  • Claims were made that wearing masks were putting lives at risk and...


Green Fuels To Become The Future of Shipping Industry

  • Shipping accounts for almost 3% (and rising) of man-made carbon dioxide emissions.
  • The industry’s regulator set a series of emissions-cutting targets back in 2018.
  • Sustainable fuel sources include ammonia, LNG, biofuels, hydrogen, methanol, and nuclear.
  • MSC has started using biofuels in Rotterdam and Wartsila has begun testing ammonia.
  • IMO has targeted a 50% reduction in GHG emissions from 2008 levels by 2050.
  • Zero-emission vessels will need to start hitting the water by 2030.

According to an...


MSC announces its Carbon Neutral Programme

Pictured: an MSC container ship underway; photo by Mediterranean Shipping Company

Mediterranean Shipping Company (MSC) has announced a complete Carbon Neutral Programme. The company states that it is “the first shipping line” to offer customers such a programme.

MSC’s Carbon Neutral Programme helps to enable carbon neutral supply chains by minimising, calculating and offsetting C02 emissions to meet customer demand.

As the company notes in a statement, “despite all the efforts to invest in...


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