What the Canadian election could mean for freight

A tractor-trailer logo SIMARD makes a turn on a street to illustrate an article about the Canadian election.

Canadian voters went to the polls on Monday in a national election that has boiled down to a tight, two-horse race: Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s Liberals and a Conservative Party led by Erin O’Toole. The outcome will affect freight and the supply chain – even if they haven’t loomed large in the campaign or either party’s platform. Much of that will come from how the next government spends billions of dollars to help the country recover from the pandemic.

Here’s what you need to know:

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IMO’s Carbon Taxation Proposals Put Shipowners On Edge

  • Owners doubt on carbon costs’ recovery.
  • Maersk CEO’s tax proposal fails to cut much ice.
  • Concerns over green fuels’ supply.

According to an article published in S&P Global Platts, Shipping industry fears that any imposition of a carbon tax on ships that use traditional bunker fuels, to encourage greener fuels is likely to make freight exorbitantly expensive, reduce already paltry earnings and discourage investments on new builds, market participants said June 8.

Carbon Reduction Discussions



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