Ferreyros robotiza Centro de Distribución de Repuestos y acelera en 40% procesos logísticos clave 

El Centro de Distribución de Repuestos (CDR) de Ferreyros abastece a los 36 almacenes de la empresa, y recibe carga aérea y marítima los 365 días del año desde destinos globales de importación. Con un tiempo de preparación y entrega de pedidos menor a 24 horas en Lima, se caracteriza por una...


[FAQ] How Negative Emission Technologies Like CDR Can Reduce Carbon Footprint?

Recently UNEP released a report underlying the emission gap and policing in countries. Here we are discussing the role of negative emission technologies in emission controlling, as seen from the report uploaded in the Safety4Sea website.

CDR technology

Carbon dioxide removal (CDR) refers to various approaches to reducing atmospheric concentrations of carbon dioxide by removing it from the air. In addition to land-use changes such as afforestation, reforestation, and ecological restoration,...


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