ABS Wavesight unveils new My Digital Fleet software features

Real-time, data-driven insights supporting regulatory compliance, improving fleet efficiency, reducing operational costs and meeting fleet decarbonization goals are key benefits of its My Digital Fleet (MDF) software unveiled this week by ABS affiliated software as a service (SaaS) company ABS Wavesight . The new features are aimed at empowering maritime operators to optimize performance, improve energy efficiency and streamline compliance with decarbonization requirements from both the...


Wiernicki: “Are you ready for FuelEU Maritime?”

“FuelEU Maritime comes into force in precisely 211 days. Are you ready?” That was the question that ABS chairman and CEO Christopher J. Wiernicki posed as he launched the Posidonia 2024 event in Athens with a keynote address to the Capital Link Maritime Leaders Summit, highlighting the disruptive potential of incoming regulation.

“FuelEU creates a new hurdle to clear every five years to avoid an emissions bill, but its potential impact lies in the way it turbocharges return on investment in...


ABS in new agreement with U.S. DOE

ABS and the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) are to collaborate on clean energy development in the maritime domain and decarbonization of maritime operations after signing a new memorandum of understanding (MOU).

The agreement between the DOE’s Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE) and ABS is designed to draw on experience and capabilities from both organizations to support emissions reduction initiatives that benefit the maritime industry.

“This new agreement allows ABS and the...


MEPC 81: A global carbon tax on shipping is getting closer

As IMO’s MEPC 81 was going on in London last week, ABS Chairman and CEO Christopher J. Wiernicki was telling a session of the CERAWeek energy conference in Houston that a universal, global carbon tax on shipping is coming, as alternative blue fuels made with carbon capture emerge as a critical step in the energy transition at sea.

“We need to recognize that there is an intermediate step in the energy transition,” he said. “Last year the conversations were focused on going from oil to a green...


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