Clarksons says alternative fuels take a 45% slice of the newbuild pie

Clarksons Research has today released its latest Green Technology Tracker, including first half 2024 data points, charting the progress of alternative fuel uptake and investments in energy saving technologies across the global shipping fleet.

Summarizing the latest Tracker, Steve Gordon, global head of Clarksons Research, commented:

“Investment into alternative fuels continued in first half 2024, accounting for around one third of all newbuild orders and 41% of all tonnage placed and with orders...

Clarksons looks at car carrier trade trends

car carrier trade trtends

Last week brought a slew of reports about ever larger car carriers being ordered and designed.
What’s all the buzz about? Despite electric vehicle sales disappointing automakers this year, a surge in global demand is still being forecast — and, with it, a surge in demand for car carrier capacity. Forbes has some interesting analysis on what this means for the auto industry. Meantime, for the marine industry, recent car carrier trade trends provide some insights and Clarksons Research’s David...

Nomura Claims Shipbuilding Orders High; Korean Companies Disagree

Credit: Chris Pagan/Unsplash

Nomura says new shipbuilding orders peaked; Korean firms refute, highlights a Korean Economic Daily news source.

Value-added ships

Korean shipbuilders, armed with technology for value-added ships, expect their profitability to remain intact.

Nomura Securities recently said global new shipbuilding orders likely peaked in 2022, slashing its stock recommendation rating on industry leader HD Hyundai Heavy Industries Co. to neutral from buy.

South Korean shipbuilders,...

Clarksons: South Korean yards reclaim throne in orders, while China claims dominance in ship owning

South Korea’s shipbuilding prowess has once again taken the spotlight as it recaptured the […]

The post Clarksons: South Korean yards reclaim throne in orders, while China claims dominance in ship owning appeared first on Offshore Energy.

Clarksons says alternative fuel ships account for 47 pct of orderbook, projects another 100 LNG carrier orders

Alternative fuel ships have accounted for around 60% of new orders since the start […]

The post Clarksons says alternative fuel ships account for 47 pct of orderbook, projects another 100 LNG carrier orders appeared first on Offshore Energy.

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