www.allaboutshipping.co.uk top 25 Shipping and shipping related companies for 2018

The www.allaboutshipping.co.uk top 25 Shipping and shipping related companies for 2018

Following our last upload  yesterday on the top 100 individuals for 2018 in Shipping,  another special survey was conducted by the AllAboutShipping’s team and we are pleased to announce  the top 25 companies.

There will be four more surveys / lists on other shipping issues and events; here you go:

1.Diana Shipping Inc.,

2.Wärtsilä Corporation

3.Holman Fenwick Willan

4.Damen Group


6.Lloyd’s Register



Handling a marine company crisis: Don’t lie

In July 2018, an amphibious duck boat, operated by Ride the Ducks Branson, carrying 31 people foundered and sank on a lake near Branson, Mo., leaving 17 dead, the deadliest accident ever involving the popular tourist boats. In November, a federal grand jury indicted the duck boat’s captain for negligence and in attention. Branson/Lakes Area Convention and Visitors Bureau photo

Marine companies should have a crisis plan in place, just in case.

“If you don’t have a crisis plan, get started today,” David Norman, managing director, Kitchen Public Relations, New York, told his audience during a keynote presentation Thursday at the Passenger Vessel Association’s annual convention in New Orleans. (Originally, Adm. Charles Ray, vice commandant, U.S. Coast Guard, was supposed to deliver the keynote address. The government shutdown shelved those plans.)

Earlier in the day,...


Damen ranks high in recent top businesses in the Netherlands, survey says

The MT500 is the result of an annual survey of business decision makers that asks them to assess and rank companies in the same and related sectors as their own businesses on product leadership, customer focus and excellent execution. Damen photo

Damen has achieved second place in the maritime and aviation sector in this year’s MT500 rankings of the top 500 companies and institutions in the Netherlands. It also came 20th out of 500 in the overall ranking, its best ever result. In the ratings breakdown, Damen achieved the full five stars for product leadership and employment practises. The winner in the maritime and aviation category was national airline KLM, with the Port of Rotterdam coming third.

The MT500 is the result of an annual...


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