Running on Ice: When cold is slightly less cold

Hello, and welcome to the coolest community in freight! Here you’ll find the latest information on warehouse news, tech developments and all things reefer madness-related. I’m your controller of the thermostat, Mary O’Connell. Thanks for having me!

All thawed out 
(Photo: Conestoga)

What’s that in the sky? A bird, a plane, a cold storage facility? In Halton Hills, Ontario, there is a towering collection of blue racks being set up that will someday serve as a cold storage facility. Across Lake...

FreightWaves Classics/Pioneers: Edward G. Budd transformed the railroad and automobile industries (Part 2)

A 1935 Chrysler Airflow. (Photo:

In Part 1 of this article, the early life and career of Edward G. Budd was profiled. How Budd revolutionized the automobile industry in the 1900-20 period was also covered. 

The article will continue with other examples of the Budd Manufacturing Company’s impact on the automotive industry.

A Budd employee works on a new auto body. (Photo: Budd employee works on a new auto body. (Photo:

Increasing success during the 1920s 

Joseph Ledwinka continued to develop innovations for Budd. “Initially created by welding together...

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