21 guests onboard Grand Princess, COVID-19 positive

Following the ongoing COVID-19 situation, 21 people onboard “Grand Princess” cruise ship have been infected by the virus. Several days ago, the cruise vessel’s passengers were inside their cabins, waiting for the tests results.

At the moment, Grand Princess remains about ten miles off the coast of San Francisco, waiting to receive permission to dock at Port of Oakland, by the US authorities.

As the ship’s owner, Princess Cruises informed, more than 3.500 are onboard, including 2.422 guests and...


Update: Information on access to Chinese shipyards and ports

Following the latest updates concerning Chinese ports, the Korean Register issued new updates concerning Chinese ports and shipyards, keeping in mind that the mainland China is facing many challenges due to COVID-19 and the shipping industry has to be cautious.

Shanghai Branch Office

  • New Times Shipyard

Access after a Coronavirus Test.

Korean people were not permitted to enter their apartments due to the chinese residents’ opposition. For Korean, hotel reservations are impossible.

  • Chengxi Shipyard


Navy Bars Families From Recruit, Officer Graduations Over Coronavirus Concerns

Recruits march in formation due to inclement weather at Recruit Training Command on Feb. 13, 2020. US Navy Photo

Concerns over spreading COVID-19 strain of coronavirus caused the Navy to bar families from attending boot camp and officer candidate school graduations and to cancel Liberty for graduates, the Navy Recruitment Training Command announced Monday.

The policy, first posted to the command’s Facebook page, starts with Friday’s scheduled graduation ceremonies. The graduations will continue...


US considers discouraging cruise trips amid COVID-19 rise

In light of the increased cases the US has to deal with, it is reported that the US is discussing about ways to discourage US travellers from taking cruises, as part of Trump’s administration efforts to limit the spread of the coronavirus.

Spefically, Reuters, citing four anonymous sources, reported that although there is no decision made yet, a meeting was conducted between Vice President Mike Pence, who is in charge of leading the US response to the coronavirus, and the cruise industry.



How A Shipowner Must Navigate Through COVID-19?

  • CCDCP revealed that the fatality rate of those positively tested for coronavirus increases with age.
  • People between 10-39 have a 0.2% rate of dying and rose to 3.6% in the 60-69 group.
  • It rose to 8% among those aged 70 to 79 and 14.8% in their 80s or older.
  • Nautilus reported that crew members have to taken care of by the owners.
  • Only persons cleared by port authorities will be allowed onboard.
  • The virus may affect shipbuilding causing delays to both yards and shipowners.
  • Force majeure is...


WHO Warns of Surgical Mask Shortage As the Coronavirus Spreads!

  • As China Coronavirus cases become stable concerns rise in other countries especially South Korea and Iran, says WHO
  • the death percentage from COVID19 is around 4% which is higher than seasonal flu rate and it varies according to the country you are in
  • Surgical masks use have increased six-fold due to the coronavirus outbreak and soon there will be a shortage
  • WHO has instructed governments to increase production and decrease the price of surgical masks.

In a  major development, the World Health...


ICS Issues New Coronavirus (COVID-19) Guidance For Shipping Industry

Coronavirus Guideline

The International Chamber of Shipping (ICS) has issued brand new guidance for the global shipping industry to help combat the spread of the Coronavirus (COVID-19). The comprehensive 22-page document has been produced in collaboration with prominent international bodies including:

  • The World Health Organization (WHO)
  • The International Maritime Organization (IMO)
  • The European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC)
  • The International Maritime Health Association (IMHA)

Among a raft of...


BIMCO: COVID-19 And Its Consequences On Shipbuilding Contracts


The spread of the COVID-19 virus is causing significant issues in the shipbuilding industry, but English law has no general concept of force majeure, and this is a key factor in the relationship between shipyards and shipowners.

Shipyards are facing disruption to newbuilding, repair and conversion projects due to the impact of the virus on their labour force and the ability of their subcontractors to meet their commitments to supply materials and equipment necessary for the completion of such...


El transporte marítimo pierde 320 millones a la semana por el coronavirus

La International Chamber of Shipping (ICS) cifra en 350 millones de dólares a la semana (unos 320 millones de euros) en ingresos perdidos el impacto del coronavirus en el transporte marítimo mundial. El impacto del virus en el transporte ha sido “sustancial”, afirma la institución en un comunicado. Más de 350.000 contenedores han sido retirados del comercio mundial. Las cadenas de suministro mundiales “siguen sufriendo y siguen existiendo problemas en torno a las cuarentenas de buques en los...


American Club Member Alert (Feb 27, 2020) re- Covid-19 guidance now in traditional and simplified Mandarin

American Club Member Alert (Feb 27, 2020) re- Covid-19 guidance now in traditional and simplified Mandarin

FEBRUARY 27, 2020
The Club’s recent publication, Infectious Diseases: Charter Party and Other Contractual Considerations, is now available in both simple and traditional Mandarin.  It can be accessed at the website link below, which contains a range of information and updates on infectious diseases, including the COVID-19 virus at:


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