Transport Can Drive The World From The Brink Of Recession!

Credits: Rodrigo Abreu/ Unsplash
  • COVID-19 highlighted the world’s reliance on the transport sector.
  • Moving people, goods and services, the transport sector plays a crucial role in global economies.
  • Transport workers and their unions are calling for action on six demands: safety, sustainability, corporate accountability in supply chains etc.

Transport workers move the world. The COVID-19 pandemic shone a spotlight on this. As the world shut down, transport workers were more visible than ever...

The 3C Policy – Traveling & Work Conditions That Works in COVID19 Situation

  • As scientists urge WHO to declare COVID19 an airborne disease, the fight to tackle transmission gains momentum
  • The Japanese who reported this first in a supercomputer enabled study seems to have tackled it
  • Their 3 C’s structure avoiding strategy and cluster monitoring seems to work
  • The key here are avoiding close contact areas, closed spaces, and crowded places
  • They suggest partitioned office rooms, hospital beds with ceiling to floor curtains, and open windows passenger trains with fewer...

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