How does Cybersecurity Protect Maritime Navigation Systems?

Credit: sigmund-Im-unsplash


In the era of digital connectivity and advanced technology, the maritime industry is undergoing a profound transformation. From autonomous vessels to smart ports, innovation has brought tremendous benefits, but it has also exposed maritime navigation systems to new and evolving cyber threats. In this blog post, we will explore the critical role of...

Turning the Tables on Tomorrow’s Threat Agent

Credits: Towfiqu Barbhuiya/Unsplash

Work patterns are undermining traditional security methods, reports TechRadar.

Enhancing the employee experience

Long gone are the days of every worker being a nine-to-five commuter. While some employees (opens in new tab) retain a preference of working in the office (opens in new tab) all the time, many are embracing the willingness of employers to offer flexible alternatives such as remote and hybrid (opens in new tab) models. Research shows that UK staff went...

Averting cyberattacks on operations a key focus for rail, expert says

FreightWaves recently chatted with Miki Shifman, co-founder and chief technology officer for Cylus, a global rail cybersecurity firm headquartered in Tel Aviv, Israel. Shifman discusses current cyberthreats facing freight and passenger rail systems worldwide. 

Indeed, in the U.S., the Transportation Securities Administration in October required freight and passenger railroads to comply with a new cybersecurity directive aimed at protecting the rail networks through performance-based measures,...

Ναυτιλία: Μία κυβερνοεπίθεση κάθε 39 δευτερόλεπτα

Σε άνοδο φαίνεται πως βρίσκονται οι κυβερνοεπιθέσεις στη ναυτιλία, ενώ μάλιστα καθίστανται πιο σύνθετες.

Σύμφωνα με δηλώσεις του κ. Nielsen, συνιδρυτή της Oriani Hellas, επικρατεί έλλειψη επίγνωσης του κινδύνου που ενέχουν οι κυβερνοεπιθέσεις για τη ναυτιλία.

Όπως ανέφερε χαρακτηριστικά ο κ. Nielsen, το 2021 κατεγράφη άνοδος 33% στις κυβερνοεπιθέσεις με στόχο πλοία ή ναυτιλιακές εταιρείες. Μάλιστα, κάθε 39 δευτερόλεπτα λάμβανε χώρα μία κυβερνοεπίθεση.

Τα παραπάνω ανέφερε ο κ. Nielsen σε εκδήλωση...

Never Ending Supply Chain Disruption And Demand Surge Effect

Credits: Maxim Hopman/ Unsplash
  • A recent report by SAP shows that more than half of the surveyed firms see no end to the turbulence, expecting the problems to last the first six months of 2023.
  • The increased use of big data is raising the need for more efforts to bolster cybersecurity.
  • Firms may have powerful technology but may lack individuals who can understand what data is being aggregated and what the system is telling them.

Congestion has eased as demand slowed in recent months, but supply...

TSA mandates new cybersecurity guidelines for railroads

The Transportation Security Administration is requiring U.S. freight and passenger railroads to comply with a new cybersecurity directive aimed at protecting the rail networks from harm.

The directive focuses on performance-based measures, according to TSA, and “will further enhance cybersecurity preparedness and resilience for the nation’s railroad operations.”

To safeguard against any cyber-related disruptions or degradations to rail infrastructure, TSA is requiring freight and passenger rail...

Cybersecurity Awareness Month Helps People Against Online Threats

Since 2004, the US has declared October to be Cybersecurity Awareness Month, helping individuals protect themselves online as threats to technology and confidential data become more commonplace. This year’s campaign theme is “See Yourself in Cyber”.

Cybersecurity awareness month theme

The theme demonstrates that while cybersecurity may seem like a complex subject, ultimately, it’s really all about people. This October will focus on the “people” part of cybersecurity, providing information and...

Ransomware target Apex Capital declares systems ‘back up and running’

A laptop keyboard with a yellow "ransomware key" Multiple companies in the Canadian supply chain have been targeted by ransomware attacks including Manitoulin Transport.

A week after Apex Capital Corp. and its subsidiary, TCS Fuel, were targeted in a ransomware attack that knocked its computer systems offline, a company executive said Monday that it’s business as usual.

“Our networks for Apex and TCS are back up and running,” Sherry Leigh, chief product and marketing officer at Apex, told FreightWaves. 

Ransomware gang BlackByte claimed responsibility for infecting the operating systems of Apex Capital, headquartered in Fort Worth, Texas, which, in turn, shut...

Apex Capital blames malware attack for ‘unplanned system outage’

After initially blaming an “unplanned system outage” for its computer networks being knocked offline since early Monday, Apex Capital Corp. and its subsidiary, TCS Fuel, confirmed that both companies’ systems were targeted in a malware attack.

Ransomware gang BlackByte is claiming responsibility for infecting the operating systems of one of the largest factoring companies in the U.S., Apex Capital, headquartered in Fort Worth, Texas, which, in turn, shut down TCS Fuel’s network.

In February, the...

Powerful TMS helps Gully Transportation increase cash flow with same-day billing functionality

Shifting demand, dropping rates and skyrocketing fuel prices are just some of the market obstacles carriers are currently facing, with new supply chain challenges cropping up seemingly every day.

As these problems compound on one another, it’s no wonder carriers are beginning to feel budgetary strain. In the uncertain market, midsize and large carriers are looking to set themselves apart from the competition in order to continue to stay ahead. 

For many, challenging times tend to highlight...

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