Denmark: A Country With Proud Maritime Heritage!

  • Denmark is  the world’s sixth largest nation in terms of operated tonnage.
  • Thirteenth largest when measured by vessels registered to operate under its flag.
  • Denmark continues attract shipowners and operators keen to avail themselves of Danish expertise.
  • Danish Shipping has published its own four-year strategy titled ‘Ahead of the Curve’ – a series of targets to be achieved by the end of 2021.

According to an article published in the Royal Institution of Naval Architects, for a country with a...

Denmark’s Digital Register in 2020 Provides Easy Data Access

  • Denmark will have a digital register of shipping by 2020, that will lower costs for business communities and provide easier access to data.
  • The Danish Maritime Authority will now start developing the new digital Danish Register of Shipping, for easier and faster data access.
  • New shipping will definitely reduce the administrative burden for those companies that have their ships registered under the Danish flag.
  • The new Danish Register of Shipping is expected to be in service by the end of 2020.

MSC 101 approves measures on safer mooring operations

During IMO’s Maritime Safety Committee (MSC), that took place between June 5 to 14, participants discussed on current issues related to safety and security of the shipping industry. The matters of discussion also focused on draft measures for safe mooring operations, as prepared by the SDC sub-committee based on proposals originally submitted by Denmark.

Mainly, the measures that got the green light from the Committee involve an amended SOLAS regulation and guidelines aiming to enhance the...

Denmark uses sulphur-sniffing drone checking for vessel emissions

The Danish Maritime Authority announced the launch of a large drone, that will be used to check emissions from vessels operating in  Danish waters to make sure they comply with the sulphur limit. The European Maritime Safety Agency is providing the drone, aiming to prevent ship pollution.

Specifically, the drone is commonly called ‘sniffer’ and is able to measure the vessels’ sulphur emissions.

Mainly, entering the ship’s exhaust gas plume, the drone can register the amount of sulphur in the...

Danish political party proposes additional 1.6GW offshore wind

The Social Democratic Party, Denmark’s main opposition party, promised on adding two extra offshore wind projects that are to be commissioned by 2030, in addition to the three already existent projects in the energy agreement from 2018.

Specifically, the two additional wind projects will have 800MW each and will enable Denmark to produce its total energy via renewable sources by 2030.

Along with the two projects, there will be 8.200 new jobs created, according to local media.


Danish Maritime Authority braces growth of safe electric ferries

The Danish Maritime authority is responsible on making sure that safety is part of the innovative efforts taking place in the Blue Denmark, as electric ferries are developing in an unprecedented rate. Consequently, DMA is cooperating with the industry and other authorities and classification societies to highlight the use of lithium-ion batteries in the shipping sector, mostly focusing on safety.

Specifically, the project is scheduled to be completed during summer 2019, while it undergoes many...

Denmark presents measures to combat piracy

Denmark announced the upcoming priorities regarding the fight against piracy and other criminal activity at sea. The priorities contain civil and military efforts against piracy. The geographical focus remains in Western Africa and the Horn of Africa.

​From 2019 to 2022, the priorities in the fight against piracy and other maritime crimes will replace the current Government strategy of 2015-2018.

Piracy still pose challenges for Danish shipping and seafarers. In recent years, there has been a...

Danish Shipping worried about EU regulation on seafarer working conditions

Seafarers would be subject to the rules described in the Working Conditions Directive if it is submitted to the European Parliament. So, there is potential for additional financial and administrative burdens for the maritime industry, Danish Shipping believes.

Since the European Commission presented its proposal for a directive on “Transparent and predictable working conditions in the European Union”, it has been linked to several so-called ‘European Pillar of Social Rights’.

The proposed...

Greek Shipowners, Danish Shipping reiterate unity for a free trade

The Union of Greek Shipowners (UGS) welcomed to its premises the Board of Directors of Danish Shipping, in the context of the bilateral meetings of the two national shipowners’ associations. The meeting reaffirmed that regardless of any sectorial differences, the industry stands united in support of the principles of free trade, open markets and free and fair competition in an international level playing field.

Representing two traditional maritime nations, the Board of Directors of Danish...

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