This technology could reshape the world of food distribution

food grocery distribution center

The U.S. food distribution system is in a tight spot. Consider this disparity: Food waste accounts for between 30% and 40% of the nation’s food supply even as 10% of the country’s 65,000-plus census tracts are considered by the U.S. Department of Agriculture to be food deserts, places where residents lack adequate access to nutritious and affordable food.

To that, add the lingering effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. Demand for food has increased as lockdown measures have waned because consumers...

Supply chains have a forecasting problem

High frequency data is the solution to navigating a volatile environment

Warehouses are full of unneeded inventory due to the fact companies like Target and Walmart could not predict demand and production capability effectively. While few companies have come out with a supply chain success story from the past two years, there are lessons to be learned from the gross failure of demand side forecasts.  

The Outbound Tender Volume Index (OTVI) that measures truckload demand did not predict the...

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