Never Ending Supply Chain Disruption And Demand Surge Effect

Credits: Maxim Hopman/ Unsplash
  • A recent report by SAP shows that more than half of the surveyed firms see no end to the turbulence, expecting the problems to last the first six months of 2023.
  • The increased use of big data is raising the need for more efforts to bolster cybersecurity.
  • Firms may have powerful technology but may lack individuals who can understand what data is being aggregated and what the system is telling them.

Congestion has eased as demand slowed in recent months, but supply...

Container Shipping Sees Stronger Import Demand Amid Pandemic

A UNCTAD press release discusses how the COVID-19 pandemic has affected the container shipping sector.

Strong downturn in sea trade

At the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, expectations were that seaborne trade, including containerized trade, would experience a strong downturn.

However, changes in consumption and shopping patterns triggered by the pandemic, including a surge in electronic commerce, as well as lockdown measures, have in fact led to increased import demand for manufactured consumer...

Analysts Predict A Booming Global Economy in 2021

The global economy will accelerate in 2021, though with significant variation around the world, writes Bill Conerly for Forbes.

Rebounds in goods trade

The world will benefit from vaccinations, both directly in fewer illnesses and indirectly as lockdowns and fears subside.

It will take most of 2021 and into 2022 for the full benefits of vaccination to be felt, and maybe even longer in poorer countries, but America’s major trading partners should look good next year.

Improved global GDP growth 


The Trans-Pacific Eastbound Market Is Going Crazy!

freight rate chart
  • China-U.S. West Coast container rates continue their astonishing climb.
  • Clients are selling more and they are selling more online bringing shipping more into the U.S.
  • 80% of them are growing year-on-year and gaining market share.
  • Shippers are importing bikes, camping equipment, household items, and exercise machines.
  • 5-10% [of volume] is PPE coming into the U.S markets.
  • Shippers are favoring voyages from Asia to the West Coast due to transit time and cost.
  • Carriers have increased their...

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