A Third Of The World In Recession This Year !

Credits: Tech Daily/ Unsplash

A third of the global economy will be in recession this year, the head of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) has warned. Kristalina Georgieva said 2023 will be “tougher” than last year as the US, EU and China see their economies slow.

Tough Situation

It comes as the war in Ukraine, rising prices, higher interest rates and the spread of Covid in China weigh on the global economy. “We expect one third of the world economy to be in recession,” Ms Georgieva said on the...


Transport Can Drive The World From The Brink Of Recession!

Credits: Rodrigo Abreu/ Unsplash
  • COVID-19 highlighted the world’s reliance on the transport sector.
  • Moving people, goods and services, the transport sector plays a crucial role in global economies.
  • Transport workers and their unions are calling for action on six demands: safety, sustainability, corporate accountability in supply chains etc.

Transport workers move the world. The COVID-19 pandemic shone a spotlight on this. As the world shut down, transport workers were more visible than ever...


‘The Past A Friend’ For Today’s American Economic Recession!

Credits: John McArthur/ Unsplash
  • Years into the pandemic, it is still difficult to get a handle on what comes next for the economy by looking at examples from the past.
  • Loss of economic momentum feeds on itself, and the nation plunges into a recession. 
  • New home sales have fallen off a cliff as surging mortgage costs and the recent price run-up has put purchasing a house out of reach for many families.

Historical data has always been critical to those who make economic predictions. But three...


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