Strategies To Attract Diverse Talent In Maritime Decarbonization

A recent event hosted by the GreenVoyage2050 programme at the International Maritime Organization (IMO) headquarters in London brought together 15 enthusiastic students to discuss strategies for attracting more diverse talent into the maritime decarbonization sector. These students, currently in university or high school, engaged in lively discussions about the sustainability of the maritime industry and its impact on daily life.

Raising Awareness Among Younger Generations

The students identified...

Did maritime careers conquer?

Over 280 students visited Seawork 2024, exploring the exhibition, talking to companies, and attending the Careers Fair.

In collaboration with Maritime UK Solent and Solent Partners, the Seawork Training and Careers Day began with ‘Commercial Marine’s Got Talent,’ where students heard young professionals share their career paths. Twenty-four companies showcased opportunities at the Careers Fair.

Here’s what the students and their teachers thought:

“A wonderfully informative event that inspired my...

Panama Hosts Crucial Biofouling Management Event: Advancing Maritime Sustainability And Gender Equity

Panama recently hosted a pivotal event focusing on biofouling management and its impact on marine ecosystems. Specialists from Latin America and the Caribbean gathered to address the challenges posed by invasive aquatic species introduced through ship hulls and ballast water, highlighting the critical need for effective mitigation strategies.

Biofouling Risk Assessment

The event featured specialized training on biofouling risk assessment and inspection methodologies. Participants gained crucial...

Seafarers Launches First-Ever Maritime Mountain Race

Seafarer welfare charity The Mission To Seafarers (MtS) has announced the launch of its first-ever Maritime Mountain Race, an endurance event scheduled for September 13 to 15, 2024.

World’s biggest Vessel

The action-packed race, to be held amid the breathtaking Bouveret region overlooking Lake Geneva, will include 32 teams of three trail hikers and runners from the maritime community.

Participants are encouraged to raise at least $5,000 per team, with rewards granted to the top fundraisers.


Global Maritime Leaders Converge At SMM Hamburg

SMM Hamburg: A Premier Maritime Event

From 3 to 6 September, SMM in Hamburg will open its gates to more than 40,000 participants from 120 different countries, hosting over 2,000 exhibitors from 70 countries as well as a first-rate stage programme focused on the industry’s most important topics.

Covering the entire value chain of the maritime industry on 90,000 m² in twelve exhibition halls, SMM describes itself as the world’s foremost platform for innovation and the latest technologies in the...

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