Shares Rally On Soaring Demand

Shares of South Korean sea carriers and shipbuilders are flying high on expectations for stellar performance this year ahead of their earnings release for the first quarter, reports Pulse News.

Price More Than Doubled

HMM Co., the country’s largest shipper, saw its shares surge 9.71 percent to 36,150 won ($32.54) on Monday. Its share price more than doubled from 13,950 won at the end of last year. Shares of HMM added 1.8 percent to finish Tuesday at 36,800 won.

The stock rally is attributable to...

Diana Shipping Anticipates $38.65M Sales This Quarter

Wall Street brokerages expect Diana Shipping Inc. to announce sales of $38.65 million for the current quarter, reports Marketbeat.

Negative year growth

Two analysts have made estimates for Diana Shipping’s earnings. The highest sales estimate is $38.77 million and the lowest is $38.54 million.

Diana Shipping reported sales of $39.98 million during the same quarter last year, which would suggest a negative year over year growth rate of 3.3%. The business is scheduled to announce its next quarterly...

Greenbrier pins hopes on market recovery later this year

A photograph of a train consisting of hopper cars.

Railcar manufacturer Greenbrier (NYSE: GBX) is eyeing a potential market recovery in the second half of 2021, provided that the COVID-19 pandemic doesn’t become worse.

The Oregon-headquartered company shared its outlook as it announced that it sustained a net loss of $10 million, or 30 cents per diluted share, in its fiscal-year first quarter that ended on Nov. 30 (see below).

“Greenbrier’s operating footprint is well suited for the market recovery, expected in the second half of calendar 2021....

Kirby posts first quarter losses, citing Covid-19 and oil patch slowdown

The effects of a sliding oil market and the coronavirus are starting to be felt by the nation’s largest tank barge operator, with Kirby Corp. posting a $248.5 million net loss for the first quarter of 2020.

The loss is notable as the Houston-based barge line had reported a profit of $44.3 million for the first four months in 2019 and had a relatively good financial year that included several important acquisitions and occurred despite difficult operating conditions caused by prolonged high water...

Lindblad gives back stimulus money, hopes to sail again in third quarter

Lindblad Expeditions Holdings Inc. returned $6.6 million in federal aid as it chalked up a losing first quarter and held out hope for resuming some operations in the third quarter.

The key to cruising again is getting reliable and practical virus tests, “and we believe this will be possible in the near future,” Sven-Olof Lindblad, CEO of the New York-based public company, said discussing results Friday. They also have to convince passengers and crew that the vessels are safe. And they’ve made...

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