Oferta de Hapag-Lloyd para compra de HMM Enfrenta Resistencia de Grupos Industriales Surcoreanos

La Federación de Industrias Marítimas de Corea (FKMI) y la Asociación para el Desarrollo del Puerto de Busan (BPDA) han alzado sus voces en oposición a la oferta realizada por la operadora alemana de líneas marítimas extranjera Hapag-Lloyd para adquirir el transportista insignia de contenedores de...


South Korean Business Organisations Criticise Hapag-Lloyd’s Bid for HMM

Credit: Loadstar

South Korean industry groups slam Hapag-Lloyd bid for HMM, highlights a Loadstar news source.

German liner operator Hapag-Lloyd

The Federation of Korea Maritime Industries (FKMI) and the Busan Port Development Association (BPDA) have come out against German liner operator Hapag-Lloyd being allowed to bid to buy HMM.

They say that, “from the perspective of the national economy and security”, foreign control of South Korea’s flagship container carrier must be prevented.

The two...


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