Ocean rates dip on capacity increase and early peak

The massive IT outage caused by the CrowdStrike update led to thousands of delayed or cancelled flights worldwide over the weekend as airport and airline systems went black.

Though many – but not all – carriers were able to restore operations relatively quickly, delays are expected for impacted shipments as the backlog is cleared. Though some container ports and carriers also had outages, the impact on ocean freight was minimal. Houthis in Yemen continued their attacks on vessels in the region...


Freightos Weekly Update: Rates keep climbing on early month increases

Ocean rates out of Asia climbed significantly last week, with the latest daily prices already at US$8,200/FEU to North America West Coast, US$9,300/FEU to the East Coast, US$8,600/FEU to North Europe and US$7,900/FEU to the Mediterranean.

Peak season demand coinciding with Red Sea-driven capacity constraints and congestion has now pushed Asia – North America West Coast spot rates 60% higher than their February peak and prices to North Europe are 80% higher than highs seen in January....


More rate increases expected soon, though signs congestion is easing

Ex-Asia ocean rates were stable last week, but prices already at highs for the year are expected to climb further as we enter the typical peak season months and congestion – though less severe than in recent weeks – remains an issue at some major hubs, with several carriers announcing significant July Peak Season Surcharge increases or GRIs.

Scarce container space from China to India has some importers there turning to bulk or multi-purpose options, and delays are also pushing more European...


Rates still climbing, but could early peak season start mean early end too?

Ocean rates out of Asia were stable last week but have already started climbing on mid-month Peak Season Surcharge increases this week as demand remains strong and Red Sea-driven congestion persists in both the Western Mediterranean and the Far East.

Strong demand and high spot rates have some long-haul carriers adding transpacific and Asia-Europe services. Smaller regional carriers are also entering transpacific trade for the first time since the pandemic. But with capacity already stretched...


Ocean rates leveling off, but remain elevated on Red Sea impacts

Overall, the ocean container market has settled into a new routine that avoids the Red Sea due to Houthi attacks which continued this week.

Though significant backlogs, congestion and equipment shortages seen during the first few weeks of the crisis have dissipated, adjustments have resulted in some moderate but ongoing disruptions.

Some West Mediterranean ports, for example, are now being used as transhipment hubs for East Mediterranean-bound containers, leading to some congestion there, and...


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