How Australia lost a war with emus

While numerous parts of the world are ensconced in tragic wars right now, a war in Australia’s past offers a stark distinction with some levity.

In 1932, a massive migration of emus wrought havoc on the country’s farmlands, deeply damaging the country’s wheat supply and more. Twenty thousand emus descended on Western Australia in migration, almost decimating farmlands that provided much-needed wheat and supplies to Australia.

Farmers were unable to stop them from eating their crops after the...

Miscalculation adds up to thousands in excess ocean freight charges

FreightWaves Classics is sponsored by Old Dominion Freight Line — Helping the World Keep Promises. Learn more here.

FreightWaves explores the archives of American Shipper’s nearly 70-year-old collection of shipping and maritime publications to showcase interesting freight stories of long ago.

In this week’s edition, from the May 1978 issue, FreightWaves looks at an interesting dispute over responsibility for the extra charges one company incurred simply because of a paperwork error that lasted...

Did you know in the early 1900s, mail was delivered by motorcycle?

FreightWaves Classics is sponsored by Old Dominion Freight Line — Helping the World Keep Promises. Learn more here.

The U.S. Postal Service is exploring the use of electric bicycles for mail delivery in urban areas. But the use of bikes and motorcycles is not a new concept to the organization.

At one time, in fact, motorcycles were in use at post offices in the U.S.

According to the Postal Service, it began its foray into motorcycle delivery territory on March 4, 1907, when the “Instructions for...

A truck driver’s vanishing act: What happened to Devin Williams?

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In this compelling episode hosted by Brielle Jaekel, deputy editor, and featuring insights from...

Panama canal operations were a hot topic in the ’70s too

FreightWaves Classics is sponsored by Old Dominion Freight Line — Helping the World Keep Promises. Learn more here.

FreightWaves explores the archives of American Shipper’s nearly 70-year-old collection of shipping and maritime publications to showcase interesting freight stories of long ago.

In this week’s edition, from the March 1978 issue, FreightWaves examines earlier discussions on how to make Panama Canal operations as efficient as possible, even as the canal struggles today with low water...

The best cover designs from American Shipper’s 1970s magazine issues

FreightWaves Classics is sponsored by Old Dominion Freight Line — Helping the World Keep Promises. Learn more here.

The global shipping publication American Shipper launched in 1974 with the goal to serve the needs of all players involved in international shipping, providing important information to shippers, carriers and third parties. 

Founded by late maritime journalist David A. Howard, the magazine began as the Florida Journal of Commerce, until Howard saw a need for a national publication...

Was bribery rampant in 20th century maritime shipping?

FreightWaves Classics is sponsored by Old Dominion Freight Line — Helping the World Keep Promises. Learn more here.

FreightWaves explores the archives of American Shipper’s nearly 70-year-old collection of shipping and maritime publications to showcase interesting freight stories of long ago.

In this week’s edition, from the February 1981 issue, FreightWaves explores a claim of bribery during a court case. 


Bribes to shipowner representatives, related businesses, and regulators were...

30,000 pounds of spilled bananas immortalized in song and story

Some songs are born out of joy, some out of heartbreak. Others are ripped straight from the headlines because they are so astonishing. FreightWaves Classics has covered the origins of songs that came about in just this way, like Casey Jones and his heroic act of self-sacrifice in a train accident and the Edmund Fitzgerald that sank in Lake Superior.

“30,000 Pounds of Bananas” by the folk artist Harry Chapin is a song born out of tragedy and a moment of shocking altruism, similar to Jones’ story....

Lessons from the 1947 Texas City port disaster

FreightWaves Classics is sponsored by Old Dominion Freight Line — Helping the World Keep Promises. Learn more here.

In 1947, tragedy struck the port in Texas City, Texas, where a French ship carrying highly flammable fertilizer caught fire. An explosion followed, devastating the port town and surrounding area. 

The cause of the disaster would change shipping regulations forever. 

Join Deputy Editor Brielle Jaekel and fellow FreightWavesTV host Mary O’Connell on this week’s episode of Tracks...

When shippers battled against a new surcharge

FreightWaves Classics is sponsored by Old Dominion Freight Line — Helping the World Keep Promises. Learn more here.

FreightWaves explores the archives of American Shipper’s nearly 70-year-old collection of shipping and maritime publications to showcase interesting freight stories of long ago.

In this week’s edition, from the January 1978 issue, FreightWaves explores a battle between shipper and container lines over a new surcharge.

Shippers critical of 10% surcharge to offset losses from strike;...

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