Running on Ice: Partnerships changing the game

All thawed out


The leader in perishable risk management, Parsyl, has combined forces with the MVP in cold storage solutions, Lineage Logistics. Current customers who use Lineage for cold storage are estimated to spend more than $500 million a year on cargo insurance. The partnership with Parsyl aims to cut those costs significantly by creating tailored insurance coverage based on customers’ specific needs. 

This partnership is going to do more than just cut insurance costs for customers....

Hands off: Automated unloads, storage coming to Canadian distribution center

Groupe Robert is investing CA$150 million in an automated distribution center.

Imagine a distribution center that only requires the push of a button and waiting a few minutes to unload a truck. Then, a conveyor belt automatically moves pallets into a cold storage tower with no human interaction.

An automated distribution center with these features and capacity for 60,000 pallets of fresh and frozen foods is coming to Varennes, Quebec, in early 2023.

Groupe Robert, one of Canada’s largest trucking and logistics companies, is investing CA$150 million ($120 million) in just...

FreightWaves Flashback 1955: Frozen food without refrigeration

The many industries that make up the world of freight have undergone tremendous change over the past several decades. Each Friday, FreightWaves explores the archives of American Shipper’s nearly 70-year-old collection of shipping and maritime publications to showcase interesting freight stories of long ago.

The following is an excerpt from the September 1955 edition of the Jacksonville Seafarer.

Florida’s huge frozen food and fruit concentrate industries have more than a passing interest in a...

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