Wiernicki: “Are you ready for FuelEU Maritime?”

“FuelEU Maritime comes into force in precisely 211 days. Are you ready?” That was the question that ABS chairman and CEO Christopher J. Wiernicki posed as he launched the Posidonia 2024 event in Athens with a keynote address to the Capital Link Maritime Leaders Summit, highlighting the disruptive potential of incoming regulation.

“FuelEU creates a new hurdle to clear every five years to avoid an emissions bill, but its potential impact lies in the way it turbocharges return on investment in...


How FuelEU Maritime Affects European Shipping?

Credit: matthias-heyde-aBGYL-ue5xo-unsplash

A Transport Environment news source highlights the impact of FuelEU Maritime on European shipping.

Political agreement on FuelEU Maritime (FEUM)

In spring 2023 the EU finalised a political agreement on FuelEU Maritime (FEUM), arguably the most important shipping-related legislation in its ʻFit for 55ʼ package. The regulation is a welcome step in tackling shippingʼs emissions problem, as the first global regulation to effectively mandate the industry to...


AFIR and FuelEU Maritime: ESPO calls for cooperation and flexibility in the roll-out of onshore power supply to ensure smooth implementation of the legislation

On Monday 10 July, the European Parliament will discuss in Strasbourg the final agreement on both the Regulation on the deployment of Alternative Fuel Infrastructure (‘AFIR’) – which sets the framework for the deployment of onshore power supply (OPS) in ports – and the Regulation on the use of...


ESPO welcomes the agreement on FuelEU Maritime to reduce emissions from shipping during navigation and at berth

“We are pleased that for the first time there is an agreement on the greening ambitions for shipping, both during navigation and at berth. The requirements for ships when to use of electricity at berth, will hopefully break the chicken and egg discussion,” says ESPO’s Secretary General Isabelle...


ECSA: FuelEU Maritime is a step forward towards shipping’s energy transition

European shipowners (ECSA) welcome the climate ambition of the new Regulation and consider it as an essential stepping stone towards establishing the right conditions for the energy transition of shipping. “European shipowners congratulate the negotiators for their hard work and the final outcome....


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