Navy Estimates 5 More Years for Virginia Attack Sub Production to Hit 2 Boats a Year

Pre-commissioning unit (PCU) Hyman G. Rickover (SSN-795) seen prior to a christening ceremony at General Dynamics Electric Boat shipyard facility in Groton, Conn., on July 31, 2021. US Navy Photo

It will take five years for the two shipbuilders that build Virginia-class attack boats to deliver two submarines a year, according to the Navy’s latest estimates of the production schedule.

Three officials who have been briefed on the Navy’s estimates told USNI News that General Dynamics Electric Boat...

SECNAV Del Toro: Virginia Attack Sub Construction ‘Significantly Behind,’ District of Columbia Submarine 10% Behind Schedule

USS Oregon (SSN-788) pierside at General Dynamics Electric Boat on Feb. 28, 2022. USNI News Photo

Production of the Navy’s first-in-class Columbia-class ballistic missile submarine – District of Columbia (SSBN-826) – is 10 percent behind schedule, Secretary of the Navy Carlos Del Toro told a House panel on Wednesday.

Likewise, the production of Virginia-class attack boats is slowly improving but is “significantly behind” the target of two submarines per year, Del Toro told the House...

FY 2024 Budget: Navy Wants to Grow by 5,000 Sailors, Invest in Quality of Life Issues

Master Chief Petty Officer of the Navy James Honea speaks with sailors and answers questions during an all-hands at Commander, Fleet Activities Yokosuka (CFAY) on Feb. 10, 2023. US Navy Photo

“I want there to be greater access for all sailors to have housing off ship,” Honea told USNI News. “I want there to be a greater separation from their work life and their home life. I want every sailor to have a barracks room or to have an apartment or housing outside the fence line.”

Sailors need to have...

FY 2024 Budget: Pentagon Asks for  $30.6B to Beef Up Munitions Stockpile Citing Lessons from Ukraine War

SM-6 launches from guided-missile destroyer USS John Paul Jones on Aug. 29, 2017. MDA Photo

THE PENTAGON ­– The rapid drawdown of the U.S. munitions stockpile to feed the demand of the Russo-Ukrainian conflict prompted the Department of Defense to ramp up its acquisition of everything from missiles to artillery shells, senior defense officials told reporters on Monday.

The Pentagon is pushing ahead with multi-year deals for weapons like the Long Range Anti-Ship Missile, Standard Missile 6 and the...

Navy: OSD Directed Amphib Procurement Pause, Joint Staff Says Current Amphib Force ‘Sufficient’

A CH-53E Super Stallion helicopter, assigned to Marine Medium Tiltrotor Squadron (VMM) 263 (Rein.), flies over the San Antonio-class amphibious transport dock ship USS Arlington (LPD-24) on May 3, 2022. US Navy Photo

THE PENTAGON – A new study directed by the Office of the Secretary of Defense led to the halt in amphibious ship procurement so the Navy can evaluate requirements and cost efficiencies, a Navy official said Monday.

“We received direction from OSD, but this will be an integrated team...

FY2024 Budget: Navy Request Calls for 9 New Ships, Asks to Shed 2 Littoral Combat Ships, 6 Other Ships

A Royal Malaysian Navy service member stands by for the Independence-variant littoral combat ship USS Montgomery (LCS 8) to depart the Port of Lumut Base Jetty to participate in the sea phase of Maritime Training Activity (MTA) 2019. U.S. Air Force Photo

THE PENTAGON – The Navy wants to purchase nine battle force ships and decommission eight hulls in its Fiscal Year 2024 budget request.

The proposal, formally unveiled today at the Pentagon, is asking for $255.8 billion for the Department of the...