DryBulk FFA Market: The Long Road to Recovery

According to a report by Freight Investor Services, after being depressed for a long time, the recovery for freight rates appeared not to be wishful thinking anymore.

Signs of recovery

The sign of freight recovery has first taken root in the Baltic Dry Index (BDI) which hovered steadily at the 1,000 marks by the end of April after bouncing off from the low of 600 reading since February.

This market sentiment improvement soon rubbed off to physical and paper market, only to be paused by the long...


Weekly Bulk Report – Week 18, 2019

The Baltic Briefing has released Bulk carrier maritime activity report for the 18th week of this year. The report formulated on 3rd May 2019 highlights the situation in the bulk carrier market including trading activities, freight rates, and charter rates.

  • The market last week was a tale of two halves, with substantial volatility. Beginning the week on a positive note the C5 West Australia to China route opened mid to low $6.00s.
  • Pushing into the holiday on Wednesday, it rose to mid...


DryBulk FFA Market: More Headwinds in Q2 Despite Brucutu Mine Restart

  • Trade participants expect the restart of the 30 million mt of iron ore per year Brucutu mine to affect the market much later with more cargoes available in June 2019.
  • Despite the restart, Vale still maintained its production guidance unchanged at 307-332 million mt for the year.

Capesize market is expected to face more headwinds in Q2 2019, despite some market optimism in Vale’s restart of Brucutu mine, according to an article published by Freight Investor Services.

Fewer cargoes for Capesize
  • Th...


Weekly Bulk Report – Week 17, 2019

The Baltic Briefing has released Bulk carrier maritime activity report for the 17th week of this year. The report formulated on 26th April 2019 highlights the situation in the bulk carrier market including trading activities, freight rates, and charter rates.

  • Following the holidays, activity increased in both the Pacific and Atlantic Basins. The 5TC average rallied, closing at $8,596, up to $1,972 from last week.
  • Major miners out of Western Australia were active all week supporting and...


Vale Dam Accident Causing Capesize Rates To Fall

According to a Platts report, the Capesize market looks to be weak again in Q2 as the Vale dam accident and repairs at key ports cut demand for the vessels that typically carry iron ore and coal, according to dry bulk market participants.

The Present Market Scenario

Freight levels slumped in Q1 after Vale’s Brumadinho mining dam rupture in January, which led to mine closures. Tropical storm Veronica in the Pacific Ocean also damaged some ports in Australia, leading to less demand for Capesize...


Weekly Bulk Report – Week 15, 2019

The Baltic Briefing has released Bulk carrier maritime activity report for the 15th week of this year. The report formulated on 12th April 2019 highlights the situation in the bulk carrier market including trading activities, freight rates, and charter rates.

  • The market saw a steep ascent from the depths of last week. The Baltic Capesize Index (BCI) 5TC opened on Monday at $5,099, although by Friday’s close most gains were lost, and it finished up at $5,737, a modest gain of $638.
  • Improv...


Weekly Bulk Report – Week 14, 2019

The Baltic Briefing has released Bulk carrier maritime activity report for the 14th week of this year. The report formulated on 5th April 2019 highlights the situation in the bulk carrier market including trading activities, freight rates, and charter rates.

  • The Capesize market over the past week looked to have found a floor on Tuesday with the BCI 5TC at $3460 before firming into the rest of the week, ending at $4881.
  • Iron ore cargo trades from West Australia to China dominated early...


Baltic Exchange To Adapt Its Benchmark Dry Bulk Freight Indexes Ahead of IMO 2020

  • Baltic Exchange to adapt its benchmark dry bulk freight indexes to upcoming IMO 2020 regulations, by using vessels without scrubbers in its timecharter calculations.
  • Prediction is that in January 2020, not more than 10% of trading ships will have scrubbers installed, making no-scrubber vessels the standard benchmark vessel.
  • It published freight rates for benchmark shipping routes across the tanker, dry bulk and container sectors, and freight indexes.
  • S&P Global Platts competes with the Baltic...


Weekly Bulk Report – Week 13, 2019

The Baltic Briefing has released Bulk carrier maritime activity report for the 13th week of this year. The report formulated on 29th March 2019 highlights the situation in the dry bulk carrier market including trade and commodities ,shipping and transport.

  • The Capesize market endured another week of frustrating troughs as rates languished at near historical lows.
  • The beginning of the week had the Pacific market enveloped, with news of category four Cyclone Veronica.
  • Reports of Rio Tinto...


König & Cie Continues Fleet Downsizing

König & Cie has sealed an en bloc price for two of its vessels at $ 18m to a South Korean buyer, says an article published in Splash 247.

The sale info

Hamburg shipping and investment company König & Cie is trimming its suezmax fleet and exiting the handysize tanker segment.

Two 40,000 dwt product tankers, Cape Brasilia and Cape Beale, are reported sold by brokers.

The two vessels had been marketed for sale for months, finally sealing an en bloc price of $18m to South Korean buyers.



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