Pirates Lose In Contest Of Gunshots With Armed Forces, Footage Captured

Credits: jakob-rosen-NAEWtz6m9D0-unsplash

Dramatic footage shows the moment of a fierce firefight between US mercenaries and Somali pirates as they try to hijack a cargo ship. The attack, which is believed to have happened in 2012, shows the pirates firing a number of rounds from their sub-machine guns.

Video Captured

A speedboat carrying the pirates can be seen heading straight towards the large vessel as a private security contractor waits to take aim at it. In the footage, a guard is shown...


Take A Look At The Horrifying Massive Oil Tanker That Ran Aground!

Credits: Jason Blackeye/ Unsplash
  • The lifeboat overturned twice in stormy seas as a rescue operation was launched.
  • A Marine Accident Investigation Branch annual report from 1993 concluded that no pollution had spilled into the sea during the dramatic events.
  • An RAF Sea King helicopter had been deployed to get the crewmen off the 97,000 tonne tanker. 

It was a day the likes of which Redcar has rarely seen before and hopefully, never will again. 30 years ago, a huge tanker ran aground in bad...


New Exhibition Celebrates History of Lighthouses and Their Keepers

Credits: Colin Mearns

They are a shining example of Scotland’s proud maritime past and, for centuries, have played a key role in safety at sea. Now the remarkable history of lighthouses, their keepers and the engineers who made them possible are being celebrated in a major new exhibition, reports the Herald.

Beacon of safety

One of the original Seven Wonders of the World, lighthouses have been a beacon of safety since the first was built in Alexandria, in Ancient Egypt, more than 2,000 years ago.



Reliving The Idea Of A Yacht Club Conceived 95 years Ago !

Credit: Marcin Ciszewski/ unsplash

Ninety-five years ago, on March 1, 1928 the Transpacific Yacht Club was born of an idea hatched by the same man who had sparked the 1906 inaugural race to Honolulu. That man was Clarence MacFarlane, still engaged with his brainchild but entrusting the leg work to an old friend known for getting things done. That was Albert Soiland.

An Intriguing Story

The two had known each other since 1906, when Soiland, a member of South Coast Yacht Club (later Los Angeles YC)...


Millions Worth Of Rare Whiskey Salvaged From 170-Year-Old Shipwreck

Credits: Luwadlin Bosman/ Unsplash
  • This precious cargo was largely forgotten by history until 2010, when shipwreck diver Ross Richardson discovered the Westmoreland wreckage.
  • A single bottle of scotch salvaged from the SS Politician off the coast of Scotland fetched £12,925 at auction in 2021.
  •  As first reported by The Mirror, earlier this month, Richardson says that a regional distillery wants to salvage the juice—for scientific research.

Sunken scotch has captured the imagination—and...


‘Allegrity’ The Oil Tanker Which Sank-Off More Than 60 Years Ago

Credits: Manda Hansen/ Unsplash
  • The Allegrity was found listing at 60 degrees, rolling heavily and looking like she was about to sink.
  • If the rescue had not been perilous enough, it became even more challenging after it was discovered that one of the men was still on the Allegrity.
  • While thankfully there was no loss of lives that day, despite efforts to salvage the vessel, the Allegrity eventually capsized and became a total loss.

It was a day of heavy seas when the coastal tanker MV Allegrity...


Royal Yacht Britannia’s Mystery Unfolded!

Credits: Gary Ellis/ Unsplash
  • To go back to the beginning, King George VI first commissioned the royal yacht that would become the Britannia in 1952. 
  •  Britannia was essentially a floating palace. It had a drawing room, a dining room, two sitting rooms, as well as galleys and cabins for all the officers. 
  • A mere eight days ago, Rishi Sunak scrapped the project—showing that, even now, the concept remains a controversial one.

The Crown season five begins and ends with the same plot point: The...


The Hunt For The World’s Most Elusive Shipwrecks

When Ernest Shackleton’s HMS Endurance was found nearly two miles below the freezing Antarctic seas in March 2022, the entire globe let out a collective gasp.

But there are still dozens of other sunken ships waiting to be rediscovered on the ocean below.

Here are some of the most infamously difficult to locate shipwrecks in the world, along with a few you can visit (some without even getting wet).

Santa Maria, Haiti

The drowning of Christopher Columbus’ flagship Santa Maria off the coast of Haiti...


World’s Most Famous Shipwrecks In The History

Shipwrecks are fascinating maritime time capsules that can be a direct window into what life was like in the past. Many are immortalised in film and television – from James Cameron’s Oscar-winning Titanic to the AMC drama The Terror – while others are popular tourist attractions. Discover seven of the most famous shipwrecks in history…

RMS Titanic

“There is no danger that the Titanic will sink. The boat is unsinkable and nothing but inconvenience will be suffered by the passengers.” These...


The Real Story of SS Edmund Fitzgerald, The Lost American Lake Freighter Turned Folk Icon

The Germans have the Wilhelm Gustloff, and the British have RMS Titanic. But while those started their lives as ocean liners, the most iconic American equivalent was just a humble lake freighter.

America’s Great Lakes

It may have had a modest job at face value, but the SS Edmund Fitgerald was no ordinary freshwater bulk freighter.

It was a colossal titan of America’s Great Lakes shipping and held just as much esteem in its field as the Titanic.

The fateful day it sank to the bottom of Lake Superior...


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