Could glass bubbles be the key to the success of future LH2 carriers?

Hydrogen technology is seen as key to the future of clean energy and shipbuilders and designers are increasingly turning their attention to creating the liquid hydrogen (LH2) carriers that will be essential to any future hydrogen economy. Those shipbuilders include HD Hyundai Korea Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering (KSOE) — and 3M glass bubbles could be part of its future LH2 carriers

Think of 3M (NYSE:MMM) and you may think Scotch Tape and Post-Its, but there’s a lot more to the company than...

Hydrogen Economy: A Panacea For Multiple Industrial Sectors!

Credits: Appolinary Kalashnikova/Unsplash

Federal subsidies will make hydrogen one of the most cost-effective decarbonizing fuels for many U.S. industrial sectors.

Subsidizing Production

The emergence of U.S. government industrial policy designed to slash greenhouse gas emissions will push the country’s most polluting and carbon-intensive sectors to hydrogen as their fuel choice. By subsidizing the production of clean hydrogen, the government is encouraging its use by the steel, cement, iron,...

Landmark study reveals potential for Australia’s hydrogen industry to generate $40 billion in domestic GVA by 2040

Pictured: “NGC 604” – a vast cloud of hydrogen (approximately 1,500 light-years across), located inside the Triangulum Galaxy, which is about 2.73m light-years from Earth. This image was captured by the Hubble Space Telescope. Photo credit: NASA.

Australia’s hydrogen industry has the potential to generate $40 billion in domestic GVA and create 58,000-72,000 jobs per year by 2040, according to a new report by NERA and Arup.

The report, Powering Up: Seizing Australia’s Hydrogen Opportunity by 2040,...

ENEOS Corp begins study into Aus-Japan hydrogen supply chain

Pictured: a droplet of water. Water is a compound chemical formed from when two atoms of the chemical element oxygen binds with one atom of the chemical element. As such, ordinary water is a potential feedstock for the production of hydrogen. Photo credit: Jose Manuel Suarez via the Wikipedia entry “Water”. Licensed under Creative Commons 2.0.

Interest in Australia as a source of green energy continues to increase as Eneos Corp of Japan, a vertically-integrated petro-chemical group, has entered...

Hydrogen fuel: clean, plentiful… and not ready

Pictured: wind turbines on small islands. Green hydrogen can be collected if water is split using electricity generated from clean power sources, such as wind power. Photo credit: Mary Ray via Unsplash.

There’s a lot of excitement at the moment about the possibility of the elemental gas hydrogen being used as a fuel. And it’s easy to see why. Hydrogen is potentially one of the best fuels around.

Kilogram for kilogram, hydrogen is the king of energy content with a whopping 2.6 times more energy...

ASX-listed Global Energy Ventures begins development of a pilot-scale compressed hydrogen cargo ship

Pictured: an artist’s impression of the hydrogen carrier concept. Graphic: Global Energy Ventures.

Western Australia-headquartered Global Energy Ventures (ASX: GEV) has begun the development of a pilot-scale compressed hydrogen cargo ship with a capacity of 430 tonnes of hydrogen.

The company hopes to develop an operating fleet of hydrogen carriers by the mid-2020’s and the development program is targeting American Bureau of Shipping (ABS) Approval in Principle (AIP) in Q3 2021 and Full Class...

Port of Townsville signs green hydrogen MoU with Origin Energy

Pictured: “NGC 604” a vast cloud of hydrogen in the Triangulum Galaxy. Hydrogen is one of the most abundant substances in the universe, accounting for about 75% of all matter. Hydrogen could, in the near-future, be the fuel of choice for the world fleet. Photo credit: Hubble Space Telescope, NASA.

Clean, green, hydrogen as an Australian export commodity took one step closer to reality this week when Origin Energy signed an MoU with Port of Townsville, a Shipping Australia member, for an...

KHl Launches World’s First Liquid Hydrogen Ship To Promote Decarbonisation

The world’s first liquefied hydrogen carrier, built to ship large quantities cryogenically frozen H2 internationally, was launched by Kawasaki Heavy Industries (KHI) on December 11, reports Nikkei Asian Review.

Suiso Frontier

The Suiso Frontier (‘suiso’ means ‘hydrogen’ in Japanese) will play a key role in the Shell-backed HySTRA demonstration project (CO2-free Hydrogen Energy Supply-Chain Technology Research Association), which will see large quantities of H2 produced from brown coal in...

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