Preparations, Flexibility, Timely Action – The Key To Smooth IMO 2020 Transition

According to Peter M. Grunwaldt, the Vice President of Hafnia Bunkers, there are three pivotal steps that could change the course of IMO 2020 regulation and make way for smooth implementation.

During late 2019, the maritime industry was gearing up to IMO 2020. The logistical complexity and financial repercussions were going to be huge. While living and working through this step change, Hafnia Bunkers found that preparation, flexibility and timing were all essential for a smooth, efficient...

Total Marine Fuels Shows How To Prepare for IMO 2020

According to a Platts article, the global bunker supplier Total Marine Fuels Global Solutions has announced that they have successfully conducted several trials of their 0.5% sulfur fuel oil with shipowners at key ports globally and continues to do so as LSFO is set to be the main marine fuel choice come 2020, the company’s managing director Jerome Leprince-Ringuet said last month.

Marine Industry To Work Closely

“The International Maritime Organization’s global sulfur limit rule for marine fuels...

Impact of IMO 2020 Fuel Rules on Shipping Firms

  • From 01 January 2020, the shipping world can only take on bunkers with a maximum sulphur content of 0.5%.
  • Penalties for non-compliance will depend on local law and could be from criminal charges on owners to vessel being declared unseaworthy.
  • Seaworthiness is absolutely necessary for marine insurance.
  • Cleaning up tanks, pipes and pumps for a full transition towards 2020 compliant fuel is an expensive and time-consuming task.
  • Availability issues persist, though the refineries have been working...

How to Prepare for the Big 6 IMO 2020 Questions Within 11 Months?

  • Carriers will play a major role in complying with IMO regulations by ensuring their fleets meet the sulfur requirement.
  • Prices for carriers using low-sulfur fuel will rise and the cost of high-sulfur fuel will plummet.
  • The order books for scrubbers are virtually full already through 2019.
  • Communication standards between container lines and shippers will imact profits.
  • Opinions vary on whether shippers will be ready by Jan 1, 2020 to comply with IMO regulations.
  • Squeezed supply may affect...

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