Shachar Tal, Co-Founder of Loginno

Meet Shachar Tal, the Co-Founder of Loginno , which is short for Logistic Innovation and their product Contopia, a term used to describe a world where every shipping container is real-time IoT connected, tracking of goods at sea.

This interview was made online, Shachar in Israel and Lena in Sweden. Does it make any difference that the person interviewed is not in the same room? What do you think? Please send me some feedback at [email protected]

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Interview with Shachar Tal, founder of Loginno: “We just need to play our cards right”

Container News talked with Shachar Tal, founder of Loginno, about its IoT start-up company, the new initiative “The Contopia Factor” (“TCF”), as well as the  digitalization and the automation of the container shipping industry.

Shachar Tal, in conversation with Antonis Karamalegkos, expressed his ideas about the future of the industry and how Loginno with “TCF” can lead the way.

CN: Tell us some words about Loginno and the new initiative “The Contopia Factor”.

Shachar Tal: Loginno provides a...

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