$10 Billion Mauritius Oil Spill Claims – Shipping Law Loopholes Nightmare

According to a Forbes report, the oil spill in Mauritius in August has had lawyers scrambling through their maritime insurance libraries to understand the implications of the incident, caused by the Japanese bulk carrier, the Wakashio.

The damage from the oil spill is estimated at over $10 billion. 

Downplaying Insurance Payouts?

However, local groups have been facing an aggressive counter narrative operation being put out by the shipping and oil industry where there have been attempts to downplay...


Shell Marine To launch New Lubricant Ahead of IMO 2020 in Singapore

Shell Marine launches Shell Alexia 40 lubricant ahead of IMO 2020 regulation changes, reports Seatrade Maritime News.

Shell Alexia 40 ahead of 2020

Shell Marine will introduce its new two-stroke engine cylinder oil dedicated for use with ship engines running on 0.5% sulphur fuel into the Singapore market this year, ahead of the IMO 2020 regulation.

With a base number of 40, the new Shell Alexia 40 has been developed to optimise equipment performance and condition as shipowners and charterers...


Low Oil Levels That Led To Vessel’s Engine Failure

The Viking Sky cruise ship that had to be evacuated off the coast of Norway over the weekend had low oil levels that led to engine failure, reports USA Today.

What happened?

The Viking Sky sailed from the northern city of Tromso over the weekend bound for Stavanger in southern Norway when the ship had engine failure, started listing dangerously, then took in water.

Viking Sky’s crew sent a mayday call and anchored in heavy seas to keep the ship from being dashed on rocks in an area known for...


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